Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1025 points –
Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead

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Conservatism is a plague of oppression, violence and death. It always has been. There is no place in a modern society for conservatism.

When you see your conservative neighbors, co-workers and relatives, remember they killed this innocent child. They did this.

Ancient Roman Conservatives (Optimates, cause of course) "Look when you lift their skirts, you find a Populare (Democrat). We need to bring back traditional values!"

Since the days of yore, always about traditional fucking values.

And like now they aren’t. It’s a factionalized past constructed by the traditionalists.

I'm not going to aggressively confront my simple conservative acquaintances as if they themselves did this, but I do think it's a moral obligation to root out and identify why our acquaintances support a regressive, fearful, and hateful brand of politics. Like any sale made, it has to be the customer's choice, or at least the illusion of choice. You'll never convert anyone to a more Leftist brand of looking at the world if your ideology seems aggressive or unhinged. We're trying to make conservatism look less ideal than leftism.

So true. There must be no forgiveness, no tolerance, no acceptance. Conservatives must be purged from this planet. This is the ONLY way forward, if we want a society that is good for everybody.

That is not at all what they are saying.

So? That's what I am saying. What are they saying in your opinion? To silently seethe at the conservatives while not doing anything?

You are mocking a call to violence in which there is none. They're saying conservatism (the belief, the ideology) needs to die.

Conservatives should be openly mocked and ridiculed for their cruelty and violence. They should be laughed out of office.

You are being entirely idealistic. You are saying things that sound nice to you without considering how realistic they are.

You cannot attack an ideology without attacking the people who make up that ideology. They cannot be cleanly distinguished from each other.

At some level you even realize this.

Conservatives should be openly mocked and ridiculed for their cruelty and violence. They should be laughed out of office.

This means attacking the people. You are talking about making conservatives social pariahs, having them lose their livelihoods and power.

So yes, destroy conservatism, but if you don't have the stomach to do everything that simple statement entails, get out of my way.

You cannot attack an ideology without attacking the people who make up that ideology. They cannot be cleanly distinguished from each other.

Quit your bullshit. Dunking on shitty beliefs does not equate to killing or hurting people like you were suggesting.

This means attacking the people.

Good job moving the goal posts. First it was purging. Now it's being made out to be social pariahs. Pick one, and quit equating scorn with violence.

No one hasn't mentioned violence except you. The word "attack" can mean many things.

No one hasn’t mentioned violence except you

You have a short memory


Did you just link to a comment I didn't make? The delusions of auth-left never ceases to amaze me.

Did you just link to a comment I didn’t make?

Lemmy has shitty links, and yours got buried by downvotes. Read the third one down:

  • "So true. There must be no forgiveness, no tolerance, no acceptance. Conservatives must be purged from this planet. "

The delusions of auth-left never ceases to amaze me.

I'm not auth left. But thanks for the insult, it's nicer to know that I'm dealing with a literal child.

And does "purge" mean violence to you?

Yes, you are auth-left. Your views on personal liberty are authoritarian. I am a liberal, but that's all I am going to say about myself.

And does “purge” mean violence to you?

In this context yes.

Yes, you are auth-left.

No I'm not.

I am a liberal, but that’s all I am going to say about myself.

No, you're just a troll on a 1 day old account.

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"Owasso police issued a subsequent statement on 21 February to say that an autopsy indicated that Nex had not died as a result of trauma." STFU

Ah yes. The totally normal spontaneous death of a 16 year old completely unrelated to the physical trauma suffered just before. You conservative apologists are always so fast to jump to conspiracy, why not now?

Reminds me of a bit from a web serial called Pale:

“I was in my rights to weaken him.”

“You shot the man in the head, you said,” Musser replied.

“It left him very weak, yes. He died shortly after.”

Mostly I wanted to tell you drama queen fucks to stfu bout blaming half a nation.

Not even close to half lmao

Enjoy the next Trump presidency.

literally hoping for a rapist insurrectionist to be president

Reactionaries be wildin

Do you understand anything people say to you or do you just twist the meaning and play dumb to score points in your own head?

Oh don't worry, I understand dog whistles very well 😋😋😋

No, you clearly don't. Enjoy the next 5 years.

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