Trump's Final Hours in Office Were Consumed With Fury at Snoop Dogg

Flying to politics – 335 points –
Trump's Final Hours in Office Were Consumed With Fury at Snoop Dogg

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One of these days...

It's going to be an international shit show the likes of which god has never seen. The conspiracy theories alone will be heard all the way to Mars. It could get violent too.

I can't wait for the yokels in mobility scooters waving AR-15s getting mowed down.

Nobody ever dies of natural causes in MAGA/Q world. Some people never die.

Yeah, I remember all the qtards going on about Hillary when Scalia died. At 79. With a history of heart trouble and high blood pressure.

So it was only natural that Hillary had something to do with it!

I just realized that I have a spare bottle of champagne at home, I hereby dedicate it to be drunk when Mr. Trump is gone.

You should never wish someone dead, and I don't wish Mr. Trump dead, but I am going to celebrate when he is gone.

I'm personally looking forward to all the delicious passive-agressive snark that will be in this sub because of the "no celebrating death" rule

Oh, I am using the Memmy app and didn't even realize that, sorry

Oh no, i didn't mean to call you out. He hasn't actually died so I don't think your comment count towards that.