Starbucks Stops Opposing Its Baristas’ Union to politics – 186 points –
Starbucks Stops Opposing Its Baristas’ Union

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Good job with the solidarity there, bud. The best way to rouse support is to be confrontational toward anyone who is trying to join in, lmao. Why should this guy care about your movement if you don't care about his?

I don't care what the second part of your message says, because I don't care to read past the dumb capital words you put in for drama.

Edit: I'm just the messenger, lmao! You guys are neutering your own social movement with your lame attitudes. I'm just telling you about it.

You have a lot of opinions about things you refuse to even read. Why should anyone take yours seriously?

Because I'm already on your side, and you're still annoying. Good luck convincing anyone who actually disagrees with you, which is the only thing that matters.

Yawn, not reading that whiny ass comment.

"I'm not going to work to improve my skills or my arguments, and will instead continue to fail". Whatever you want to do, lol

The irony is deafening.

And which irony is that?

Use the context, pal, I believe in you!

You don't know, do you? You made the comment, so you back it up.

It's really backing itself up the more inane crap you write here.

This happens every time I throw out an opinion that's even slightly controversial on Lemmy. Eventually, people realize they're wrong and they can't give me an actual counter point. So they resort to basically what's happening now, which is derailing the conversation by refusing to elaborate when I ask in good faith what they mean. This time, it's some apparent irony that they won't explain, probably because it doesn't even exist. Maybe the person doesn't respond because they are afraid I'll just dismantle their point again.

I mean, I can go back and reread all of messages from the mass of dissenters and try to to rationalize whatever "irony" it is they're talking about, but irony is subjective. And now were left with this permanent internet monument where nobody was able to actually throw out any counter arguments with real substance to them. So I guess I win?

You can't seriously be this stupid, but maybe you are so I'll throw you a bone.

You're "arguing" that someone's writing is coming across poorly to the audience and hurting their point. In a thread where the voting record clearly indicates that your writing is coming off poorly to the audience.

Didn't think that needed such a blatant explanation, but here we are.

You know you've won a discussion when the other person has resorted to calling you stupid, because they can't think of anything worhwhile to say. That's the best indicator that you've lost.

I love it.

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Truth isn't determined by popular vote. Just because nobody likes it, doesn't mean it isn't true or that it isn't valid. They may also be downvoting because they don't like my tone, and not because I'm wrong. Besides, this is all just stupid infighting--OP's tonedeafness is shared by a broad group of left-leaning people and is splayed across the news media.

When it comes to convincing right-leaning people, their sentiment is doing legitimate harm to our movement. And at the end of the day, if people refuse to acknowledge my message because of my tone, they're the ones suffering. Conservatives really experience no downside by ignoring us, because they are happy to be classless, bigoted fools. So basically: suck it up and accept it, or continue to be ignored. Whatever.

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You, didn’t do shit other than complain how someone responded to a question.

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Fuck your tone policing.

Tone policing! Hahaha. That's a hilarious concept. Fuck your tone policing-policing, then, lmao.

Wow, you just don't get it do you?

Or maybe you don't?

Yeah, because someone addiing emphasis to their comment is the person whonis driving people away and not the person being a child about how someone speaks.

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