Starbucks Stops Opposing Its Baristas’ Union to politics – 185 points –
Starbucks Stops Opposing Its Baristas’ Union

I'm sorry but are we eating the onion with this website?

To demonstrate its good faith to understandably skeptical workers, the company also agreed to let them receive credit card tipping

Have the baristas not been getting credit card tips?!?!

Just looked it up. Starbucks I guess recently added the tipping option to stores but didn't enable that at union stores.

Holy fuck. So Evil.

Does anyone know if there's a way to identify nearby unionized stores? I'd like to only go to my unionized Starbucks or unionized Trader Joe's, if there's any of those close to me.

Jesus christ, first time visiting that horrible site I’m greeted with a purple, full page, text box to submit my email address to “never miss a new video”.. what the fuck? Who in their right mind sits down and says “yes, this is just what we need”

Holy shitsnacks! You are unfortunately correct. I was not bludgeoned by the purple sledgehammer the first visit.

Here, try this alternative, now with less retina syphilis (they still ask for email tho) :

Oh shit, my regular store is unionized, that’s fuckin fantastic.

Lucky! Mine is too far for convenience, which is the whole point of Starbucks coffee.

I've stopped going to Starbucks since the union busting began. None of my locations are unionized.

I will return once they are.

I'm not sure I would go back even if they are unionized. It's shitty coffee made by a chain that is very eager to ignore labor laws that are inconvenient. I'll stick with my local coffee shops that actually give a shit

I stopped going to them because their coffee is gross. Additionally the line in the morning clogs the street i take to get to work.


Agreed. But it's likely because Howard Shultz finally handed over the reins. He is such an anti-union ideologue that he was willing to risk the health of his own company rather than make a deal

Think they might win their lawsuit to make all of us slaves?