Saudi Arabia to be appointed chair of UN’s gender equality forum to Not The – 632 points –
Saudi Arabia to be appointed chair of UN’s gender equality forum amid ongoing assault on women’s rights

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Man, the world’s gonna be a MUCH better place when the House of Saud finally goes the way of the dinosaur.

Unless it's just replaced with something objectively worse...which wouldn't be the first time in history something like that happened.

They already massacred Yemen as a monarchy while their crown prince is known for dismembering journalists, they're about as bad as it gets.

Maybe I'm just cynical, but I can imagine many, many ways it could get worse and only a few of them involve nuclear or bio weapons.

This oil fields aren’t moving. If the Saus family is ousted, we just talk to the new family

What I would to see is a Saud realizing he’s on the outs, crying on the tarmac. But that’s just mean

They already did, but some other Saudis realised those dinosaur bones had oil and they went full circle again.

I believe one day in the future, maybe by aliens hands or maybe by some incredible new discovery, religion will cease to exist and the world will be finally peacefull with people working for the betterment of their lifes not praying for a ghost

edit: a religion plague that kills only dumb people also works lol

This will not happen, as long as other people find a way to use "religion" for power, influence or financial gain. Some people already thought that the mass adaption of the internet would be the end of religion, scams and other fraud preying on the gullible minds, because people could just read up what the catch is and not fall for it, right?

Unfortunately the scams just adapted, made their own flashy homepages that mostly outranked critical information and people just choose to belive what they want to belive.

I don't want to nitpick, because everyone gets what you're trying to say.

But dinosaurs still exist today:

I would also be fine with them evolving into something more relevant to the times

it may be hard to believe but womens rights have been progressing steadily. link

Don't get me wrong, there's a long long way to go, but I'm glad they at least seem to be heading in a positive direction.