To be fair, that's more than two words to Lemmy – 773 points –

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I would argue since that is a compound word it is actually much easier to read since you know how the parts are supposed to be spoken. If that makes sense 😅

Speaking as a German and a software developer: just because you can, does not mean you should.

Sometimes it is easier and better to not stuff words together and give readers a bad time than to write "Schiffsschraubeneichungsvorgabenverordnungsüberwacher".


From google translate: "Ship propeller calibration specification regulation supervisor"

An English software developer would write that as, ShipPropellerCalibrationSpecificationRegulationSupervisor so only the camel case would make a difference here

Only a Java dev would write that abomination

Not quite, for Java you still need the Factory part at the end!

I hope it implements the ShipPropellerCalibrationSpecificationRegulationSupervisorFactoryInterface

German's more extreme compound words seem like a good linguistic use case for CamelCase.


Technically you mean PascalCase - camelCase starts with an uncapitalized letter :)

It would also make sense as the rule is to capitalise the first letter in all nouns

Sorry for replying this late, totally missed it but i like the analogy. But what would be the alternative? Creating a new word for every function?

P. S: Also SchiffsSchraubeenEichungsvorgabenVerordnungsÜberwachung is much more readable: That's why sir Pascal mounted a camel and created PascalCase and camelCase! (reading all the other answers I am proud that we collectively came to the same conclusions that it should be PascalCase!)