Appeals Court Bails Trump Out of Having to Post Massive Fraud Bond to – 547 points –
Appeals Court Bails Trump Out of Having to Post Massive Fraud Bond

Donald Trump was supposed to have to post a $464 million bond by Monday or else the state of New York could begin collecting on the massive civil fraud judgment leveled against him earlier this year. An appeals court bailed him out, blocking collection of the judgment and giving the former president 10 days to post a drastically reduced $175 million bond.

The order is a huge win for Trump, whose assets were going to be subject to seizure if he couldn’t post nearly half-a-billion dollars by Monday. His lawyers said last week he wasn’t going to be able to come up with the money after 30 underwriters rejected him. The New York Times has reported that Trump is expected to be able to scrounge the new, reduced $175 million bond


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The legal system is doing EVERYTHING it can to delay literally everything for this man, just so that election time will creep closer and closer and they can just say, "oh it's too close to election time and we can't just cancel a Presidential candidate in the midst of all this".

These exceptions will never be given to any normal citizen of the US, but when it's this rich orange idiot, every rule in existence will bend.

May Trump and his VP pick both have fatal heart attacks late September/early October

Tomorrow would also work. Or today.

I aim for Late September so the GoP are in a panic trying to replace him so late in the election season and eat themselves alive

Perhaps just a debilitating stroke, that cripples him into a wheelchair, and finally inhibits that disgusting portion of his brain that knows no shame, so is forced to finally realize the culmination of his life is an enormous steaming pile of corrupted bullshit.

It’s pretty funny seeing his supporters and himself claim that the whole system is against him and that this is all some unfair witch hunt, and then turn around and see that he is constantly getting special treatment in the news.

That’s how they justify his innocence. When a corrupt system exonerates a corrupt piece of shit, but you they to acknowledge the corruption in either-

It’ll appear as if justice is being carried out and their corrupt piece of shit walks free.

Yep, trump is not the only person on trial here. You can't set a precedent that actually punishes financial fraud to the point where you can't actually profit from it when you're eventually caught.

Trump isn't the only real estate tycoon in NYC who has been fraudulently inflating the value of their assets. It would be uncomfortable for the judges to have to make a similar decision in the future to campaign donors.

Tbf the law works both ways. They cannot drop the charges to give him favor in the elections either. After the elections however, if he's the president...

They cannot drop the charges to give him favor in the elections either.


The rule of law only matters when the law is enforced.

My claim was according to the law, not whether the law would be followed or not.