Person is diagnosed with bird flu after being in contact with cows in Texas to World – 318 points –
Person is diagnosed with bird flu after being in contact with cows in Texas

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It's only got a 56% fatality rate, some of you will die but the economy must have it's workers pronto. I expect the COVID playbook will be used again, tell you it's droplets when it's airborne, push the vaccine as the solution and shove you back to work.

Buy toilet paper.

Yeah that's a good point actually how was that never a conspiracy theory? It's the most obvious one.

Covid was made up by Big Bog Role to sell more stock, no nanobots required

At least the housing crisis will be fixed

On the contrary, if another pandemic killed a bunch of people, many of their homes would be bought up by the same hungry corporations that created and perpetuate the housing crisis.

I suspect the point was that if there's more houses than people to live in them.... you do the math.

There's already more houses than people to live in them.....

Yeah but I don't feel like living in a burned down shell of a home in East Detroit.

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