So sweet to Lemmy – 826 points –

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Does anyone else get annoyed when someone calls your phone instead of texting?

Calls are fine but I get irrationally annoyed about voice messages. I hate those!

Calls are still acceptable in most settings (and easily blocked if not) but I won't turn on my speakers with strangers around.

I hate that how-to questions often are answered by some shitty YouTube video for the same reason (but even when alone I won't watch your crappy 10 min video for something that could literally be answered by a single sentence).

Calls are fine, especially when they’re social or important. Voice messages are just a way of saying "I don’t respect your time because I’m forcing you to listen to 3min of bullshit until I get to the point, when you could read that information in 10s).

"If someone calls me, someone else better have died." Is the sentiment I hear a lot but... Even that can be a text.

"Grammy died πŸ’€"

That was my argument with an ex years ago about turning the phone off at night.

'What if it's important?'

' no one ever calls at 3am to say there's 4 hooker's, an 8 ball, and 10k cash waiting outside in a limo, it's always your favorite grandmother died. She'll still be fucking dead at 8 after I've had a shower and coffee, turn the phone off.

Right? It's so weird, why would someone use a phone to make a... phone call, absolutely barbaric

Exactly, it's 2024 it's so rude to call someone without asking if you're busy.

Only if I'm truly in the middle of something that's time or focus critical. Otherwise I'm always glad to hear from my friends.

I have a FWB who I text with 99% of the time but awhile ago she texts "Can I call you? I really need someone to talk to." Of course! It was a joy to talk to her, she lives in the city, I'm out on the farm. Told her she should call more often.

Like the other comment I despise voicemails though. If I don't pick up, text me. That's even my voicemail message now... And still people leave voicemails 🀬

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