New Biden administration Title IX rule protects transgender students’ bathroom & pronoun use at school to politics – 462 points –
New Biden administration Title IX rule protects transgender students’ bathroom & pronoun use at school

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taking one side of the population rights to give it to another part of the population how is this progress?

Who the fuck is losing rights over this

lol you’re so accustomed to be able to oppress that you literally think you’re being oppressed if you can’t oppress

This doesn't take anyone's rights away.

Granting rights to one group doesn't automatically remove rights from another.

See gay marriage. Allowing one group of people to have the full rights of marriage doesn't block those same rights from anyone else.

All it means is everyone deserves to be treated like human beings.

Granting rights to one group doesn't automatically remove rights from another.

It does when you're a rigid hierarchy lover who believes everything is zero sum

“When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”