STOP DOING DEPENDENCY INJECTION to Programmer – 395 points –

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It's a markup language, not a programming language.


Seriously though, spring configurations are written in XML and you create variables, call functions, and have control flow. Effectively turning XML into a horrible twisted shadow of a programming language.

All in the name of "configurability" through dependency injection.

Spring moved away from XML ages ago. I work on a 6 year old Spring project and it has never had a single line of XML in it.

I'm fond of saying that all great code earns it's right to become good code by starting as trash...

But I still think we should all quietly and politely let Spring die a simple dignified death, as soon as possible.

Out of wildly morbid curiosity, do Maven and Ant still shit all over each other to make sure no one has any real idea what the build inputs and outputs are?

I shouldn't ask things I don't really want to know, though. My inbox is gonna be full of Java apologists.

No idea, I've never used either of those tools.

I think some people still use Maven, but I use Gradle in all of mine. Gradle build files are written in Kotlin instead of XML like Maven.

No idea, I've never used either of those tools.

That's a relief to hear. They were quite bad. Or rather, the way most teams used them was quite bad.

I've heard nice things about Gradle. Of course that was mainly from people with deep psychological scars after working with Ant and Maven...

So if you take XML, pervert it beyond recognition, cut off it's balls and one hand, then it's somehow it's fault that it sucks?

They started from XML. There's nowhere to go but up but spring managed to fuck even that up.


Friends don't let friends use Java 😜

It was a markup language until someone decided to parse and execute it as a programming language. This person should be watched for other deranged behavior.

I use XML as markup language, what kind of deranged person thought to turn it into a programming language? My problems with the Lua API led me down the rabbit hole of making my own VM and implementation, not looking at a markup languge, then go "what if I used this for scripting?".

When they make XML do these things (or the way Github Actions does it with YAML), they're essentially creating a representation of the AST that the compiler would make internally from a mini language. So there's a few possibilities:

  • They don't know how compilers work and reach for a tool they do know
  • They know, but figure the problem at hand doesn't need the complexity of a mini language and start the project the quick and dirty way, and it gets out of hand as they add features
  • They may or may not know, but they do get caught up in the hype of some other tool (likely what happened with XSLT)

Like yaml/toml

The one benefit of toml is that nobody creates a programing language over it.

The one benefit of toml is that nobody creates a programing language over it.

Heh. Any day though, right? I can't wait to see an excited presentation on code-free coding in YAML...