"You remind me of my daughter": Stormy Daniels testifies that Trump compared her to Ivanka

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 630 points –
"You remind me of my daughter": Stormy Daniels testifies that Trump compared her to Ivanka

Trump also assured Daniels that he and Melania didn't “even sleep in the same room," she testified

After meeting the future president of the United States at a golf tournament in 2006, adult film star Stormy Daniels testified Tuesday that Donald Trump's personal bodyguard asked if she would like to have dinner with the once-and-future Republican nominee.

"No, with an expletive in front," Daniels said she told the aide in response, per NBC News. But she reconsidered after meeting with her publicist, she said, recalling their words: "If nothing else, you'll get a great story" and "what's the worst that could happen?"

But, according to Daniels, dinner never happened. When she got to Trump's hotel room, she found him in pajamas -- he later changed -- and eager to discuss her work in the adult film industry, where she had risen from performer to director, and whether she had ever contracted and STD ("I've never tested positive for anything," Daniels said).


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Man, this guy's so disgusting I'm at the point where I pretty much assume anyone supporting him is just as disgusting as him now.

This kind of fritzl-esque stuff should have turned away anyone remotely reasonable by this point.

I've reposted this story a million times.

Right after the 2016 election, the NY Times had a panel with the creators of all the top political TV series. West Wing; House of Cards: Scandal, any you could name.

All the writers and producers said the same thing; if they'd had a fictional character say that they 'liked soldiers who didn't get captured' the TV networks and advertisers would demand that the character be shown getting hate from all Americans.

The media reported all the horrible things Trump said in 2016 and people still voted for the pig.

It was so outlandish that many of these folks opted to believe the media was slandering him over him just being that scummy of a person.

The character-assassination on "The Media" (granted some of that was self-inflicted) was really successful, allowing anyone to follow whatever narrative they desired without shame.

Another story that I've been forced to repeat.

Conservative woman goes on 'The View' TV show to defend Donnie after the pussy grabber tape comes out.

One of the women on the panel keeps saying 'pussy' over and over. Finally the Conservative woman asks the other lady to stop using that vulgar language.

There was a time when some of the Libertarian-minded conservatives said Trump was going to legalize weed. I think these two instances have an important relation: they are examples where conservatives of different types are superimposing their own beliefs onto Trump. He thus becomes the "perfect" candidate in their mind; the one who directly aligns with them in every way. This belief is very durable, able to withstand any facts that come from objective reality.

I'm sure at some point Trump actually came out in favor of legal weed, exactly the same way he said he was for strong 'Red Flag' laws. He's a child who will say anything

Can I sign up for Trump facts with Dagwood?

Lifelong NYC resident. I was watching Trump since the days when Ivana was the star of the show and Donnie was the stooge who carried her handbag.

There was a local satire magazine called 'Spy.' They loved to skewer the pompous, and Trump was always an easy target. They once described him as a 'short fingered vulgarian,' which is where the jokes about his tiny hands started.

imho this article shows Donnie at his absolute finest. When handed a golden opportunity to get in good with the Manhattan elites Donnie let his greed, arrogance, and stupidity make him hated by the people he wanted to love him.

Bonus guest appearance by John Barron.


he'll let them hurt who they want to hurt and that's all they care about

He also hurts them, but they are too stupid to realize that.

Another another story I've repeated many times.

Trump had an ongoing lottery where the winners would get to dine in the White House with Trump and Melania. Ran for years and never had a single winner.

As low as I hold his voters, Trump despises them more.

As long as it harms other groups more than at harms them, they love being owned and obedient to corporations.

I had watched Veep before that election and also thought the same thing. Even a very satirical comedy could never get away with even 1 Trumpism.

People hold fictional media to a higher standard than reality.

The problem with fiction, it has to be plausible. That's not true with non-fiction. — Tom Wolfe

To be fair that makes sense. Fictional reality can be anything and has to be good. Reality just happens and you have to accept it sometimes.

Or, as I have pointed out, in the "President Luthor' comics, super villain Lex Luthor was objectively a better leader than Trump. Brought in people from both parties; put all his assets in a blind trust; disclosed all his financial records.