Senior dev be like... to Programmer – 1235 points –

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You get focus time?

Also, what the hell is the point in an EOD standup if you're gonna have another one in zero working minutes?

That concept is lost on so many people and I don't understand why. One of the last teams I was on had two weekly meetings. One was 9:00 AM Monday morning and the other was 4:00 PM on Fridays. They were both running through all of our projects and always seemed surprised that the Monday update was the same as the previous Friday update.

It is to their advantage to be act surprised, therefore they are "surprised", see? This was your "opportunity" to show how dedicated you are the company, having worked all weekend long...

It isn't particularly hard to call this out. Just say "I haven't done anything since Friday." And leave it at that.

Be comfortable with silence.

I have a blocker for Friday afternoon meetings.

You get focus time?

They need to give you some time to answer emails from management 🙄

Because even if you’re not working, you’ll probably think about problems overnight

So what's the point of the EOD one?

I honestly see zero benefit in it unless it's a 24h operation with a shift handover.

I hate to defend the EoD standup, but some people forget everything overnight. The only way to know what they did is to ask before the rest.

Yes, they truly are amazing. Yes, everyone should not be punished.

Mostly, it it to keep people from going home early. As such is indefensible.

"I cannot attend EOD daily today, I have to get the kids from school early."

You block it out and call it something else