I still don't get buffers

whats_all_this_then@programming.dev to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 547 points –

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Win+V works decently enough for me.

Same for plasma, global clipboard is just more convenient

Global clipboard is chef's kiss. Back when I was on Ubuntu/Gnome, I had to install CopyQ but having one come with the OS is great

I think windows+v syncs to microsoft servers or something. I remember when I was running chris titus tech's debloat script it removed that functionality.

I googled it, there is an option to sync it to your Microsoft account, but I can't say whether that's on by default when you turn on clipboard history because I skipped adding a Microsoft account. But if it is, you can turn it off in Settings -> System -> Clipboard.

An excellent option to have when one of the major use cases for clipboards is as an intermediary for password managers.

I hope they eventually get sued into the fucking ground.

Password managers should mark their clipboard data as sensitive and clean it up. Use a proper password manager and there won't be issues.

I'm don't know why but I've never used windows clipboard manager, which is weird because I go out of my way to make sure I have one when I'm on linux