For security reasons to Mildly – 528 points –

Please use a personal email. My email is 'mail' @ 'my actual name'. It does not get more personal than that

But you can't use emails starting with mail@, admin@, support@, info@, main@, etc.

Instead they advised me (3 times) to create a personal email on a service like Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, Orange, etc


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This is a feature, not a bug. The rest of us don’t want crap being sent to admin email addresses, so fix your damn email and try again.

Personally I use generated email addresses to most places, but my personal address is

The email i was trying to use was mail@ my actual name and surname.

It is very handy to share and easy for people to remember.

I dont feel that it needs fixing when it is perfect for me and my needs but not for some company that needs to be overly careful

Bro. You can't sign a petition on

Just move on with your life.

Agreed. Fuck this fake outrage era we live in.

The only outrage I see is in your comment 🙄

My friend uses me@, wonder if that would work better

I have all my admin/mail/webmaster/etc blacklisted a long time ago because those are the that get spam first when spammers parse lists of registered domains.

I wonder if abuse@'s get any spam...