Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them? to Ask – 194 points –

I was thinking about how I missed having an indoor thermometer that measures humidity. It's such a small specific thing, one I'd never think of getting unless pushed to it (which I was by one particularly dry winter). But I like having one now.

What are your small, "random" or "junk drawer" type of gadgets that you actually use or like having around?


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Safe Cut Can Opener, traditional can openers should be extinct. It unrolls the original seal so there's no sharp edges. It also doesn't leave a lip, so none of the insides get stuck on the ledge. Then, if you don't use all the can, just plop the lid back on and throw it in the fridge.

Technology connections convinced you too?

Technology Connections is the universal method of converting to better tools. How does he do it?

Painstakinglly detailed scripts and smooth jazz, mostly.

on a slight tangent, i find that i often have to put on lofi music in the background to be able to enjoy his content, which is not something i do at all with other music-less creators like adam ragusea. i'm still wondering why that is the case.

I only ever used this sort of can opener:


But most cans are now like this:


I have one of these and dislike it because it makes it harder to drain a can of tuna (which is the canned item I eat most often).

I prefer the side cut options. No sharp edges but you still get good penetration and drainage. Zishi was the best option the last time I bought 5.