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Gets complicated when you have empathy for plants too. πŸ‘€

Raising non-human animals ends up taking more plants anyway because they eat a lot of feed who's energy is mostly lost. So if one were concerned with plants, eating plants directly results in fewer plants being killed

If your goal is to minimize the overall harm to plants through your own consumption the most ethical thing to eat is people.

In glad we got to the bottom of this. People. People is the right answer, everyone.

That's a load off my mind! Let's start a company. Maybe we can name it after what we're saving. Something like... Soylent green?

Only if they are consenting?

Fungus based diet it is

Fungus are most of the time the reproductive organs popping up through the ground from an enormous hidden underground super organism. So, in affect, if you enjoy eating mushrooms you are actually enjoying the fungus's cock and balls.

But see, the fungus can communicate too.

I guess it's down to butthole sunning and air to sustain ourselves.

They are as alive as the plants. But maybe mushrooms, like fruit, are intended to be eaten, to spread the spores. πŸ‘€ πŸ„

As others have mentioned, eating fruits and fungi don’t kill the organism, and per my understanding it’s the same for vegetables where you pick something off the plant to eat

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Plants never complain, unlike all of us whiny primates. In a way, they could be far more moral creatures than anything else we're aware of.

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