A volcanic eruption has started in Iceland, estimated to be ten times more powerful than previous eruption in the area

Holyhandgrenade@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 386 points –
Eruption begins - RÚV.is

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Ahh yes just what we need. More toxic gases being vented into the atmosphere. I'm sure it will be fine.

Large volcanic eruptions have a cooling effect due to the large amount of aerosols injected into the upper atmosphere.

It mimics/is the inspiration for the geoengineering idea (highly impractical at the scale required) of high altitude aerosols injection to slow global warming.

Are you saying that earth might be defending itself against our aggression? Interesting

Very unlikely that something like the biosphere and geology are connected symbiotically.

Although there is a connection between geology and climate change (not that I think this is part of it). https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2926/can-climate-affect-earthquakes-or-are-the-connections-shaky/

Good article, and pretty interesting stuff. That said, I can't imagine this being a "defense mechanism" for increased temperatures, as during the Cretaceous period there wasn't any increase in seismic activity that we are currently aware of.

No, it's not any sort of defense mechanism. It just made me think of that article.

What are we doing trying to switch to clean renewable energy then? Activate all the volcanoes!

I’ll take what the earth spits out versus what we put out.

The earth has been doing that for thousands of years.

We are the culprits, not the planet.

What if the earth ignites all the untapped fossil fuel and releases it into the atmosphere?

One hell of a show that’s for sure.

Maybe, maybe not. Fire triangle is heat, fuel, oxygen.

We can assume safely fuel and heat, oxygen is tricky though.

Explosions and ignitions only happen in a happy zone.

Too much or too little oxygen disables everything.

We also have to calculate what mix of hydrocarbons we are dealing with, how hot the ignition points are and the pressure exerted by gravity and the atmosphere.

I don't think there is enough oxygen.

Even under ideal circumstances and distribution, there is still only 21% oxygen in the air.

Propane needs 8x the amount of oxygen for a complete burn as acetylene does and acetylene in open air just produces thick greasy black strings in the air.

Idk the exact mix but I know you can barely hear acetylene coming out of a torch, but the oxygen side is loud as fuck.

Given a reasonable variance for imprecision, I feel the variance in sound levels is proportional to gas flow.

However depending on the pressure, you could need even more.

Diesel fuel is damn near impossible to light on fire at SPT, but put it under compression and it will self ignite.

We use turbos, basically little air compressors, to force as much regular air as possible into an engine, because it uses so much oxygen.

These ones cool stuff in the short term (and cause acid rain, ozone depletion, famines and long term warming; and there'll probably be a new thing this time around where some countries have reduced solar output).

They also ground planes and cancel road trips.

This volcano might even save us from a blue arctic event for a few extra years, so it could be a wash in terms of climate (although definitely not for europe's ability to feed itself)