Tech company fined by DOJ over ‘whites only’ job posting to – 514 points –
Tech company fined by DOJ over ‘whites only’ job posting

In March 2023, a recruiter for Arthur Grand Technologies posted a job advertisement looking for ‘US Born Citizens [white] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas, TX [Don’t share with candidates]’

A tech company in Virginia has been fined thousands of dollars by the Justice Department over a job advert seeking “whites only” candidates.

In March 2023, a recruiter for Arthur Grand Technologies, an information technology services firm based in Ashburn, posted a job advertisement on the recruitment website Indeed for a business analyst for the company’s sales and insurance claims team.

The job posting said that the company was looking for “US Born Citizens [white] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas, TX [Don’t share with candidates]”, according to the DOJ.


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@MicroWave @news
When you want whites only, it is racist and you get sued, but when you want non-whites only, it is not racist and no one gets sued? This is a double standard.

When you want whites only, it is racist and you get sued, but when you want non-whites only, it is not racist and no one gets sued? This is a double standard.

When you get "whites only" for over 200 years and then get upset partially not-whites for maybe 20 years. Then throw a tantrum.

Well what about US born only citizens? What is it about white Canadians, but US naturalized?

Visas for foreign workers are expensive and complicated.

US naturalized means US citizen, just born in different country. What logic they can possibly use to defend that (unless they themselves are American Indians, which somehow I doubt)

Still cheaper than paying wages and benefits for a Canadian.

It's 2024. You can't be this ignorant.

You know they can.

Can they or are they just feigning it? Because I'm thinking the latter.

but when you want non-whites only, it is not racist and no one gets sued?

That is also illegal. You're only allowed to do it for actors and things like scholarships for disadvantaged groups iirc

It's not pervasive like that white dude (yes, we know he's a white guy) suggests, but you can find companies with a hiring preference because they need to balance out their workforce. If you only hire people who look like you because they're "the only talented people" or "they fit the culture", you should balance it out with different people.

Basically to have a diverse workforce you can't leave it up to chance or it won't happen.

(yes, we know he’s a white guy)

To be fair, he might be Clarence Thomas.

Tell me you’re not a straight white guy without telling me you’re a straight white guy.

::: spoiler spoiler asdfasfasfasfas :::

The entire country could be white male straight Christians rolling coal on the weekends and they’d still complain because their neighbors don’t match.

Irish/Italians/Catholics would lose their white privilege again.

No, no, no. Don’t lump the want for ACTUAL equal treatment regardless of the color of your skin in with anti choice, Christian right-wing.

It’s entirely possible to want one and none of the other things you listed.

If those reading this need to hear it from some who’s not white (because you care about the color of peoples skin more than anyone I knew growing up in west Texas in the 90’s) check out Coleman Hughes.