Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation

👍Maximum Derek👍 to – 875 points –
Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation

A purported leak of 2,500 pages of internal documentation from Google sheds light on how Search, the most powerful arbiter of the internet, operates.

The leaked documents touch on topics like what kind of data Google collects and uses, which sites Google elevates for sensitive topics like elections, how Google handles small websites, and more. Some information in the documents appears to be in conflict with public statements by Google representatives, according to Fishkin and King.


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Some information in the documents appears to be in conflict with public statements by Google representatives

I would have never guessed that.

At this point if you are not assuming that corporation is pretty much lying for convenience. you aint operating in reality haha

Yep but I'll add my two cents, half is lying and half is guessfull ignorance because nobody really knows how big and old systems really work.

No one reaches a position like Google's without knowing to the atom every knook and crany of their systems.

Eeeeh you overestimate the capacity of people to learn what someone being fired knows

Crazy how self regulation always winds up like this. By crazy I mean predictable of course.

Libertarians assemble!

Listen, the problem is too many regulations prevented the Invisible Hand from manifesting. If we remove even more regulations the free market will work this time, I swear.

You're supposed to move to a different search engine for the market to work. I already have, have you?

This approach is doomed to fail, so long as the general public isn't aware of the problem or its scale. Government regulation is the only way.

It's enough if an alternative reached even 1%. That would still be billions of searches a year, enough to keep them running

I did years ago when Google started censoring my search results even with safe search off.

Unfortunately Bing is doing it too now and I can't find a search engine that isn't, though I would love to learn about one that isn't.

This is the issue. they're all shit. Even kagi often fails to deliver useful results. Its the best of the bunch but AFAIK their own crawler is very reliant on google.

This doesn't have anything to with regulation. This is mainly a bunch of SEO and marketing people whining that Google hasn't been honest with them in telling them exactly how to game their search engine.

Well I am just shocked, SHOCKED. Well, not that shocked.