World's first bioprocessor uses 16 human brain organoids for ‘a million times less power’ consumption than a digital chip to – 498 points –
World's first bioprocessor uses 16 human brain organoids for ‘a million times less power’ consumption than a digital chip

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So we’re starting to get to the point where its theoretically possible for computers to get real organic viruses? “Sorry boss I cant work today my computer caught Covid and coughed on me so now I have it too :(”

There was a documentary about this awhile ago which was pretty terrifying. They basically go into how you can essentially "grow" computers to augment reality and human perception. Pretty crazy. "eXistenz" was the name I think. I believe Jude Law was the narrator or something, I don't remember.

I'm positive that David Cronenberg had no idea what a video game was when he made that movie

Weird. I just very recently tried hard to remember the name of this movie, for a completely different topic (teeth as ammo).

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