House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft to – 338 points –
House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft

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If I am ever drafted (Unlikely due to my shoulder, colorblindness, various mental health things) I will just start saying "I'm going to tell the enemy where my group is and sabotage equipment. I am a liability, you don't want me there. If you put me with radio, I will shoot that radio. If you put me in cooking, I will spill the beans. If you give me a gun, it's not going to be used at the enemy."

Will I? Probably not. But talk is cheap and I don't think a military group wants someone who publicly stated "I will commit treason and aid the enemy."

Good way to end up in an internment camp under suspicion of sedition.

Better than shooting someone in cold blood because "murder is valid because we said it was war time." I'd rather be in jail than a murderer, I don't need to add PTSD when my brain is already fucked up.

You could just be a conscientious objector...

I am, and they wouldn't care in a draft. I'm a suicidal weirdo who refuses to harm anyone, I barely have the will power to harm myself, let alone others stuck in similar situations.

I just will say anything to get out of service of a war.

I just will say anything to get out of service of a war.

Apart from "I'm a conscientious objector" apparently. You have that right.

I'm going to say it. I was trying to be funny on the internet. I apologize.

Because the military has shown how fond of them they are even when they are truly heroes aka Desmond Doss' story.....

It sounds like you really don't want the military to be fond of you anyway. Conscientious objector would be the legal route to ensure you did not go to war.

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It’s better to just tell them you’re suicidal. Not only will they take away any weapons from you, they will usher you out faster than you can blink.

Unless you're already in, in which case they'll put you on a mental health hold for a year or two, in the worst possible conditions, before kicking you out on your ass.

But if you’re in basic they will get you out fast and not bother with you.

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