House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft to – 338 points –
House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft

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AFAIK this is only required if you apply for financial aid for college.

That's transphobic. Trans women shouldn't have to sign up for the draft.

yeah, it sucks. heres a good essay on that issue

If I were an American I'd be calling their office and saying I can't fill out their form, and appearing in court to defend my violation of the law on the grounds that it's impossible to legally follow. Lying about my sex on a government form would be illegal, and I don't want to break the law.

Ayy, shout out Alyssa Rosenzweig! They're doing great work on M1 graphics drivers.

It is required your all males. That said, you will generally only have an issue when applying for financial aid or if you want to work for the federal government.

When I applied for a license at 16 back in 2006-esk time(born in 89) it was required to sign up to acquire one. 2 years before being legally allowed to vote