This gay veteran spent 2 years in jail because he had sex. He can finally get a pardon.

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 444 points –
This gay veteran spent 2 years in jail because he had sex. He can finally get a pardon. - LGBTQ Nation

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close enough; but thanks for catching that

i need to like biden and i need some kind of justification for voting for him besides not being trump and him being complicit in an active genocide.

Trump's base are the cryptofascists who do not hide the fact that they are coming for the gays.

Maybe providence didn't see fit to give you the choice of saving all Palestinian lives, but it certainly seems to be giving you the choice to save your own.

Maybe providence didn’t see fit to give you the choice of saving all Palestinian lives, but it certainly seems to be giving you the choice to save your own.

holy hyperbole batman!!!

biden's past and future actions have and will fuck up my life several times before i die; meanwhile trump has unwittingly helped.

also biden's track record of supporting the status quo no matter what, especially when it comes to lgbt issues and human rights; proves that he would also willingly go along with whatever laws that those cryptofacists successfully sustain through congress and the supreme court. (sometimes there are signs that he may have grown a conscience, so i want to be clear: he won't like it, but he'll go along with it willingly).

Trump has helped your life as a member of the gay community?

And you are posting from .ml?

I'm curious, but on alert.

even a broken clock is right twice a day; but in trump's case it was only once. lol

can you be specific about what trump action was helpful to you??? Just for fairness biden has directly helped me with no surprise billing, banning con competes, many infrstructure repairs and improvements in my area that got money from the ombudsman bill, and this one is a bit less direct but rejoining the paris accord was huge for me. So anyway im curious of the trump actions that helped you specifically because from my seat its been squat.

trump's asshattery at creating trade wars backfired on american companies and that forced them to hire new people including me; that enabled me to move away from austin texas and i'll be thankful for that for the rest of my life.

As W.C. Fields said, "I never vote for anybody, I always vote against."

Not being Trump should be enough. Trump literally says he's going to be a dictator. Based on that alone, ignoring every other point about Trump, you should vote for Biden.

I'm genuinely scared Trump will win. I don't even live in USA and I'm scared of it happening. I could totally see Trump pulling out of NATO and then lives being lost because of it.

I'm scared too. But a lot can happen between now and November and I have to keep reminding myself of that.

that would probably be enough for me too if biden hadn't fucked my life 6 times so far; while trump has only accidentally helped.

I'm sorry, are you actually justifying voting for a dictator?

i'm expounding upon my difficulty in justifying my vote for biden; before the genocide i was going to hold my nose and do it and now i'm no longer sure i can even do that.

Because Trump won't continue to aid in that genocide despite already saying he would?

It's going to be either Trump or Biden. If you don't vote for Biden, you risk getting the dictator. That should be a very easy choice for you.

biden is actively enabling a genocide right now and has done something similar for several others in the last few decades as a senator; meanwhile trump has only fantasized about helping a genocide.

it would be an easier choice it he would just stop helping genociders.

Again, Trump will be no different on that front. That is simply a non-issue when it comes to which of them to vote for. And, also again, it's either going to be Trump or Biden.

also again: biden has enabled more genocides than than trump ever has.

You're still justifying voting for a dictator over a non-dictator. It should be a simple choice. Either you're for American fascism or against it. It doesn't matter what Biden has done. It matters whether or not you want a dictator.

american facism is already here; biden and trump are merely two different flavors of it.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Biden doesn't have a plan to put all the migrants into concentration camps or to suppress queer people or anything else in Project 2025's list of goals, which Trump will implement.

So either you are not aware of Project 2025 and how it will lead to another genocide, possibly more than one, or you only care about one genocide.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Biden doesn’t have a plan to put all the migrants into concentration camps

he doesn't need a plan; he's currently doubling down on trump's plan.

or to suppress queer people or anything else in Project 2025’s list of goals, which Trump will implement.

biden has advocated for this his entire career and has only made token gestures otherwise to get votes; hyperbolic arguments are moot when you've already survived them.

So either you are not aware of Project 2025 and how it will lead to another genocide, possibly more than one, or you only care about one genocide.

they don't have enough time to catch up to biden's level of enabling genocides before the next election. also most of the other genocides have already been committed so it makes sense to care about the active ones.

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Trump.enabled Russia's action in Ukraine, which some would say aims to be genocide as well, and on a larger scale.

So it's a choice between genocide, or two genocides and fascism in the US. I know it's a shit choice, between bad and worse, but one of those two people is going to be elected. Personally I am going to vote against worse.

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He invested hundreds of billions in green energy?

biden's the only one to invest in green energy afaik and then he turned around a effectively banned truly affordable electric vehicles for around $10k with 100% tariffs; among other things.

You're just a complete fucking idiot, aren't ya. Make sure that when you see facts, you double down on your dumbassness.

You’re just a complete fucking idiot, aren’t ya. Make sure that when you see facts, you double down on your dumbassness.

the fact is that he's enabling a genocide and you're clearly a psychopath for believing that's a dumbass issue.

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