Tractor Supply slashes its DEI and climate goals after a right- wing pressure campaign to – 311 points –

Didn't take companies long to stop pretending like they care. We are fucked.


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Dropping DEI makes sense. Just hire the best person for the job, regardless of skin color.

Just hire the best person for the job, regardless of skin color.

Good thing there's absolutely no evidence of racism when it comes to hiring people, am I right?

But do tell me you think a resume by a woman named LaShonda has a chance of being taken as seriously by a white HR manager than a resume by a woman named Mary often enough for this to not be a problem.

Good thing there’s absolutely no evidence of racism when it comes to hiring people

"1 in 6 Hiring Managers Have Been Told to Stop Hiring White Men"

"48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications"


I have now shown you evidence of racism when it comes to hiring people. I would appreciate if you would not make such a statement in the future.

Your source is

Be serious.

Also, their methodology is shit and they don't give anyone credit for writing that. And you just accept it uncritically.

What you call racism is actually society pushing back against racism. We would all appreciate it if you stopped supporting bigotry now and forever.

Telling one to stop hiring individuals based on their race isn't pushing back against racism, it's just racism.

You just won't concede that racism exists, and has existed in this country since its founding, will you?

I mean, that's the crux of the argument.

Either our country's education system failed you terribly and you're just incapable of continued learning, or you know fhe history and don't care.

You didn't "show evidence" you utter fucking cabbage – you just went conclusion shopping on Google to find the first fucking piece of unsourced "trust me bro" garbage that you thought would support your opinion.

Tell me you don't know anything about DEI without... oh ffs I don't even have energy for this this morning, and you could honestly learn a lot just using Google. We both know you have no interest in learning even the tiniest bit though.

Company after company have made statements they will have x% of certain positions filled by people of specific races. You don't achieve that without taking race into consideration when choosing people to work there.

No. What they're being told is to hire all races in proportion to their population in the country. White people are not better at doing anything than other races.

Taking race into consideration acknowledges the struggles which have been imposed onto people of other races by the dominant race that has always held most power in American society. Acknowledging that other races have the right to exist equally is NOT racism. Refusing to treat them equally absolutely is. The only reason society has to push these policies is because white people in power cannot be trusted to treat others equally, as you keep demonstrating.

White people are not better at doing anything than other races.

I think this is doing a disservice to one of the goals of DEI. White people are more qualified for certain types of jobs because historically they've had better access to education and healthcare. Even if access has become more equal lately, there are still other barriers that take longer to remove (eg. being the first person in the family to go to university, not having wealthy parents, etc.)

DEI can counterbalance this.

That has nothing to do with racial attributes though, just with racist systems. This distinction is important, and intentionally ignored by people who whine about diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Of course. I just think it's important to mention that there are societal reasons why there is a higher percentage compared to the general population of qualified whites applying for a job.

The worst thing that actually happens is if they happen to meet with two applicants with the same exact skill level, they will hire the one from the more diverse background.

Also if a bigot happens to be e.g. a "10x developer" (does not truly exist), I wouldn't want them anywhere near my company.

What you and most other anti-DEI people fail to realize is there inherent value in having people on the team from different backgrounds with different views and ways of finding solutions. The best person for the job is not necessarily the person who has the most training or experience in an area. Outside the box thinking often leads to better outcomes, so there is value in having people who think about/see the world in different ways.