Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump to Not The – 829 points –
Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump

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As a nurse this bandage trump showed up with looks totally like it is for show only. I would bet real money, that no healthcare professional was near this bandage and it was probably a PR person who sticked stuck this on him.


Oh no! You exposed me as a non native English speaker. What will I do now?

Don't worry plenty of native speakers would have written the same thing :P

Wouldn’t that make it correct?

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I thought that too, it almost looks like a piece of telfa taped to his ear. I was hoping he'd have a glasscock dressing.

Can't wait to see some daring journalist ask Trump in a filmed interview to see the scar. I assume Trump will classify that under the "that's too personal" category of lies he doesn't want to defend.

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