UN court orders Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories

FelixCress@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 227 points –
UN court orders Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories

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"The UN’s international court of justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories “as rapidly as possible” and make full reparations for its “internationally wrongful acts” in a sweeping and damning advisory opinion that says the occupation violates international law."

Good. Now seize Israeli assets, the same as Russians - and use these to rebuild Palestine.

Not until the US stops backing Israel. I pray for Trump to win, just so that the world wakes up from its current trance by the US elite, which managed to sell everybody the "American dream" and destabilize the entire world.

Did it happen last time he won?

Nope. And I remember saying the same shit. "At least it'll slap Americans around a bit and show them how far the've fallen."

It just somehow got worse and the world's punchline stopped being funny.

Everyone laughed at him when he spoke at the UN. So that was nice.

That was pretty much it though.

He didn't have enough time nor enough republican backing to fuck up the system enough. With that new project 2025 with the heritage foundation, things should be different.

I pray for Trump to win, just so that the world wakes up from its current trance by the US elite

You must've forgotten that he was already president once.

Yes, and that did help a little. Are you not aware of the EU Digital Markets Act, BRICS, China's increased efforts to get rid of Microsoft, Apple and other tech giants?

You must be thinking of a different Trump. The one we have in America is a senile, diaper wearing old man who couldn’t even run a casino profitably and asked a medical professional if a possible cure for COVID was shoving a UV light up his own ass.

He doesn't need to. His cronies will. Project 2025 or whatever it's called.

You kno who will save us from the Elite Billionaires from major cities running the country? The Elite Billionaire from Ney York!

Not the country. Trump has shown that he doesn't know how to run a business. He droves so many things into the ground. If breaks more ties, steps out of more agreements like the Paris Climate Agreement, Iranian Nuclear Deal, and more, he will continue to show how much the world depends on the US - unrightfully so.

So, let me get this straight. You think a Trump win will ensure that the US will stop backing Israel?

Probably not. To him, probably one more dead muzzie is a worthwhile goal to strive for. But do you think him being surrounded by people screaming "a country unable to defend itself shouldn't get our support" and broad support from people who hate Jews is going to play well for long?

I'm really disheartened by the concept of democracy sometimes when I encounter certain voters.

Tell me about it. Trump would've never been on the ticket if republicans had a backbone, nor would Biden if democrats didn't blindly vote for whatever candidate the DNC backed. But maybe things have to get worse before they get better.