What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?

PinkyCoyote@sopuli.xyz to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 141 points –

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Id like more right wingers. Not in a i like them kind of a way in a i want lemmy more representative of the population kind of way. I also think we really need to be pushing harder on the free speach free marketplace of ideas we have created.

Lemmy is pretty international. We have right wingers here, but it’s not really representative. The USA right wingers only make up a small portion of worldwide population, so don’t stress. It’s not an echo chamber.

Yea, I think the American bubble makes people think their political spectrum is normal... while the Democrats would be a right or centrist party pretty much anywhere else in the world.

It’s not an echo chamber.

Right, it's more like a reverberation chamber.

I think generally the community-driven, communal decentralized open concept kind of clashes at least with far right & neo lib thinking.

How its the ultimate embodiment of free speach the marketplace of ideals and competition. Id classify these as liberal ideas but ive notices a lot of the Americanised left wing doeant seem to agree with these anymore.

Leftism refers to collective ownership of the Means of Production, Rightism refers to individual ownership. Reddit is Capitalist, Lemmy is the Leftist answer to it.

There is no "competition" on Lemmy because there's no profit and no production.

There's no monetary profit, but I could absolutely see competition for whose ideas gain the most support.

And the Fediverse does not collectively own all the instances. Each instance is created and supported by an individual or small group of individuals.

You can even see the failures of unregulated capitslism in how lemmy (especially lemmy.ml and lemmy.world) are consolidating users and engagement. Unregulated capitalism trends towards monopoly.

It's an extremely apt metaphor for capitalism.

There's no monetary profit, but I could absolutely see competition for whose ideas gain the most support.

Capitalism is not "competition," it is a specific mode of production. Competition exists outside Capitalism.

And the Fediverse does not collectively own all the instances. Each instance is created and supported by an individual or small group of individuals.

The source code is open and free, ergo people can do what they want. The underlying tools are accessible to anyone, the instances are not "production" nor do they exist for exchange.

You can even see the failures of unregulated capitslism in how lemmy (especially lemmy.ml and lemmy.world) are consolidating users and engagement. Unregulated capitalism trends towards monopoly.

There is no Capitalism on Lemmy, lmao.

It's an extremely apt metaphor for capitalism.

No it isn't.

The source code is open and free, ergo people can do what they want.

You really don't see the parallels between this statement and "anyone can become a millionaire"?

Not everyone has the opportunity or the skillset to "do what they want" with the source code. I'm not a coder. How can I do whatever I want? I'm beholden to the structures that other people build.

You really don't see the parallels between this statement and "anyone can become a millionaire"?

There's a chance you could stumble onto a point if Lemmy was profit-driven.

Not everyone has the opportunity or the skillset to "do what they want" with the source code. I'm not a coder. How can I do whatever I want? I'm beholden to the structures that other people build.

You don't need to be in order to be able to download the source code. Skills are not ownership.

(neo) liberalism isn't really a leftist ideology, not sure about american specifics.

I get what you’re saying but I like that Lemmy has a left wing bias (with a dash of libertarians). If it was the dominant media site, I’d agree about the echo chamber risk but so much media (in the English speaking world, anyway) is under right wing ownership now. Having a handful of sites that are a refuge from it all is a feature for me, not a bug. It’s an escape from the echo chamber.

I like that Lemmy has a left wing bias

it currently feels exactly like pre-2014 reddit. in a good way

No, it absolutely does not. Lemmy has a LOT of groupthink, just a different type of groupthink than the norm.

Reddit pre 2014 was the wild fucking west. You'd have some girl posting about why she likes sticking goat intestines up her butt and the comments would be all "it's not my thing but I can see your point of view". People were selling heroin on a public forum. There was a sub called something like "fiftyfifty" where you click on a link and it's either a cute bunny or some dude getting beheaded, no blurring or censorship just full gruesome decapitation. The most popular sub was called "jailbait" for chrissake.

Like, kids today cannot comprehend how sanitised everything is. You are locked in a box. Lemmy is a different box than reddit is a different box than Instagram is a different box than Facebook is a different box than Twitter. You don't know what freedom is. You will never know. It's exhilarating and terrifying. But all you can do nowadays is pick a different box.

I don't think you deserve to be so heavily downvoted, but also Christ it's nice to have a refuge where I don't have to constantly hate humanity. Particularly when so often it's simply not possible to have a genuine conversation because folks are spitting out talking points and ignoring facts. Which the left does as well but at least they don't make me want to go on a murderous rampage. Usually.

Yeah i get what u mean about the extremists. But honestly the tankie extremists are just as bad. Their denial of genocide by the ccp is particularly bad. Ive been told that people are willingly choosing to go to ccp reeducation centers.

That last bit feels very unlikely or a total distortion. Not because I'm looking to argue, but I also happen to be human (meaning I think this applies universally to all humans regardless of any particular philosophy) and that sounds incredibly tedious and I can't believe that's the sort of thing any other human would spend their valuable time doing. I'd rather fold my laundry, and I fucking hate folding laundry.

More here than R**dit. As a pro-gun Libral (pro-pistol), I had a great chat with a hard-line anti-gun person on here. On Reddit, I would have risked being permabanned for being a maga racist by an idiot mod, then had zero recourse against the idiot mod (totally not a bitter anecdote........).

Here, if I have a heated debate with a conservative, as long as it doesn't get hostile, I can keep communicating and trying to help them understand my points instead of suddenly talking to [deleted] about [deleted] because some shit mod didn't like their views.