I am a software developer at PornHub

Gollum@feddit.org to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 494 points –

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Why is Porn a censored word but Angular is OK?


At least name it well. What's tw supposed to mean?

It's trigger warning for the self harm risk involved in reading angular.

I don't get all the angular hate, other than just hating js in general Ive enjoyed using angular on projects I built with it

I'm not sure it's hateful mocking, really. Also, any JS-related framework could do in place of Angular maybe (but as one not familiar with Angular I can't say if its design is not so atrocious that everyone hates it for this)

Young people are hilariously messed-up. It’s like my generation decided we were finally going to challenge all the old taboos, and then the next generation demolished all the old gender assumptions, except now we have to be super judgmental about what everyone else is into.

I also thought you weren’t supposed to kink shame?

Do you mean JS is your kink? Well, everyone has eir quirks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What part of the younger generations are being judgmental about what people are into in their private lives? As long as it isn't hurting anyone (without enthusiastic and sapient consent), I don't see an issue.