I am a software developer at PornHub

Gollum@feddit.org to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 494 points –

Why is Porn a censored word but Angular is OK?


At least name it well. What's tw supposed to mean?

It's trigger warning for the self harm risk involved in reading angular.

I don't get all the angular hate, other than just hating js in general Ive enjoyed using angular on projects I built with it

I'm not sure it's hateful mocking, really. Also, any JS-related framework could do in place of Angular maybe (but as one not familiar with Angular I can't say if its design is not so atrocious that everyone hates it for this)

Young people are hilariously messed-up. It’s like my generation decided we were finally going to challenge all the old taboos, and then the next generation demolished all the old gender assumptions, except now we have to be super judgmental about what everyone else is into.

I also thought you weren’t supposed to kink shame?

Do you mean JS is your kink? Well, everyone has eir quirks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What part of the younger generations are being judgmental about what people are into in their private lives? As long as it isn't hurting anyone (without enthusiastic and sapient consent), I don't see an issue.

This was hilarious but man, is it loathsome that the Internet now censors the words porn and piss simply because China needs to reach every young American with their bullshit malware.

Wait. What does China have to do with this? Is saying porn and piss illegal in china?

TikTok does this censoring

Instagram too, hardly a Chinese problem

I had never seen that prior to TikTok doing it

TikTok may have been the first to do it, but now the genie is out of the bottle

imho Chinese platforms censor their words too much. you might not have seen it, but the users self censor words like death, suicide, sex, and stuff like that.

Annoyingly self reported chinease users I used to talk to would go dark after mention a certain square, tanks, and massacre. Since the push for misinformation instead of censorship its been less common but it also just seems like there are less people from China in my internet social circles now too. :/

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And somehow the youth loves it anyway.

What happened to rebellion, kids? And you even have shit to be mad about now.

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China has to do with malware. However you want to define it. NSA has plugs everywhere, so does China.

Censoring has to do with reach and realities of parasite media. Targeting young demo keeps platforms first growing then afloat(see kik still being around shoveling "teenager demo" while being a csm hell hole).

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Please tell me at least some parts of your comment are sarcasm?

Otoh, my family has procreated for billions of years, I’m the last of my line, I have no children, and can’t imagine raising them with all the ₽ɪ$ʂ out there. Idfk.

I agree. The millions and millions of liters of urine produced every day - and everywhere! - is just horrifying.

What kind of world...!

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Censored subtitles must be the most stupid thing that exists.

My poor virgin eyes can only handle so many naughty words

When you call someone a cunt but the censor makes it seem like you only called them a dork 😭

I know I fucking hate that, and they all follow that trend for views and shit, before it was genuine, now everything feels so fake, if you are gonna speak rude works do it, if you won't don't then, but don't do lame censoring which does not help anyone but the algorithm.

That was great

Unfortunately still doesn't explain what to do when you're covered in piss 😔

What's the difference between man on man and fullstack tho?

With man-on-man you're at least consenting to get fucked and they generally use lube.

Man, thats bullshit. Any real dev wpuld know that react is the best framework

That's not what the question asked tho

Angular is definitely better for dealing with piss on your keyboard since the extra angle should help the piss roll off

React is only the most common not the best. Vue is superior

Years and years of trying to find a better web framework when php exists

"Oh just use axios and await async the promise to make http calls"

Statements dreamed up by the absolutely deranged

Just use php and curl

just use axios

What professional actually recommends axios?

What's wrong with axios? Quite a bold claim. Do you just want to sound smart?

What's wrong with fetch()?

Nothing, as far as I can tell. Besides being relatively new, it seems to have basic things you need.

So what's wrong with axios? Asking the inverse doesn't answer my question.

Besides being relatively new, it seems to have basic things you need.

It's been baseline since March of 2017.

I've never run into a case where I've needed to use axios in almost a decade of being a professional web developer. It's mostly been an annoyance whenever I've come into contact with it, and replacing it with fetch() calls would've solved those issues.

Besides that, axios is a dependency for functionality that is already built into the web platform.

Unless you need to account for compat (DoD, gov't contractors), easy cancellation (e.g. polling is necessary vs pubsub), upload progress (e.g. progress bars for large uploads), or better errors (axios throws on server errors, fetch, by default, replies OK).

It's also nicer to configure - though I suppose you can just build classes for each fetch client on the frontend. Middleware - in particular, is easier in axios for advanced auth flows.

Native fetch is great, but saying no one uses one of the most installed (per weekly) packages on npm is just outright wrong.

Then again, this is a weird hill for me to die on so I'll leave it. The confidence of your statement was just...strange. And for some reason I was compelled to comment.

Those are all just a compilation of special cases...

I didn't say nobody uses it. There are so many projects using it, and I think no professional should be defaulting to including axios in their project unless absolutely necessary.

Do you just want to sound smart?

lol, nice addition.

No. There's just rarely a legitimate reason now to use axios. It shouldn't be the first recommendation on which to build your API fountain.

I'm not a front-end dev by any means, but man is Svelte nice to use.

Well technically React isn't a framework it's just a UI library like jQuery. Nextjs would be the framework version of React. 🤓

a UI library like jQuery

Um.. what?

I'm not sure he meant to say UI. But he's right that it's a library not a framework.

"React is a library" developers when a UI library they need doesn't have a separate React extension

Found "that guy"!

(Even though you're technically correct...)