I am a software developer at PornHub

Gollum@feddit.org to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 494 points –

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Wait. What does China have to do with this? Is saying porn and piss illegal in china?

TikTok does this censoring

Instagram too, hardly a Chinese problem

I had never seen that prior to TikTok doing it

TikTok may have been the first to do it, but now the genie is out of the bottle

imho Chinese platforms censor their words too much. you might not have seen it, but the users self censor words like death, suicide, sex, and stuff like that.

Annoyingly self reported chinease users I used to talk to would go dark after mention a certain square, tanks, and massacre. Since the push for misinformation instead of censorship its been less common but it also just seems like there are less people from China in my internet social circles now too. :/

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And somehow the youth loves it anyway.

What happened to rebellion, kids? And you even have shit to be mad about now.

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China has to do with malware. However you want to define it. NSA has plugs everywhere, so does China.

Censoring has to do with reach and realities of parasite media. Targeting young demo keeps platforms first growing then afloat(see kik still being around shoveling "teenager demo" while being a csm hell hole).

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