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monkey jpg owners in shambles

noone understands nfts it's insane.

it's easy to understand but also stupid

nft art is stupid but not for the reason most people think it is. most people don't even know that there's a difference between an nft and nft "art"

Between 2014 & today, market appears to have determined neither are relevant. Corporations appear not to have found captivating use cases as well. Given this, is the lack of understanding to be expected?

Compare to, like, folks understanding differences between Instagram & TikTok. More people understand because it’s relevant to them, regardless of the average Lemming’s view of the platforms.

True, but lets stop conflating the market with a wise being.

Im not saying everyone should understand it, I just think the ratio of understanding to hatred is a bit skewed. you should at least know what something is before passionately hating it.

oh wow an enlightened being that knows that nfts are links to monke jpegs stored in an extremely inefficient append-only database, instead of jpegs themselves. none of that shit is remotely practical unless you make some hopelessly paranoid libertarian flavoured assumptions about how world works

btw fun fact, all bitcoins are NFTs

I don't think that's true. Bitcoins are fungible, NFTs aren't.

nope! bitcoins aren't fungible anymore. you can track all bitcoins across the entire blockchain, any bitcoins involved in illegal activity are "dirty" and not accepted by exchanges. "virgin" bitcoins are worth more than "used" bitcoins. they aren't truly fungible anymore.

NFTs are an interesting concept and I'm sure they could have some real use cases, I'm just yet to see them. Autogenerated art definitely is not one of them though.

I've heard some people talk about how NFTs could maybe be used to replace concert tickets and stuff like that somehow I think? not sure what advantages that would have. maybe NFTs could be used as a less invasive sort of DRM?

How is putting it on the blockchain advantageous versus a centralized server? Obviously the argument isn't about reliability, so I just fail to get why they merit the significantly increased energy cost/ environmental damage.

well the one advantage would be that you aren't relying on some company to keep the servers running. I'm not a fan of NFTs, me struggling to come up with any uses for them should be a sign of that.

I am relying on some company to keep the doors to the concert venue open, might as well depend on them to control the ticket too.

true, but right now it's mostly done through a third party. the argument I've heard from nft fans is that nfts would allow you to skip that step