'Can't believe my eyes': Florida 'hotbed of Trump support' erupts with Harris enthusiasm

NegativeNull@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 969 points –
'Can't believe my eyes': Florida 'hotbed of Trump support' erupts with Harris enthusiasm

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this is why I vote by mail

No, you vote by mail because you live somewhere that allows it.

If you live somewhere red, you probably need to show up in person on election day, and wait around for hours hoping that you don't get disenfranchised.

EDIT 2: This map is NOT ENTIRELY ACCURATE. Spot checking NY and PA - these states have restrictions on Absentee ballots BUT also offer less restrictive Early Mail In voting which IS NOT represented. Check your latest state laws here: https://www.nass.org/can-i-vote/absentee-early-voting

In seven sixteen states, voters still need a reason to vote absentee. That means many voters in these states will need to vote in person at a polling place.

Edit- replaced with newer map from '22, excuse required states doubled since '20.

Wait.....wtf is up with New York? I get the other shit states, but New York requires a reason to vote absentee?

Hm. I'm not sure this map is accurate. NY has had shit voter laws for forever (closed primary, lengthy registration cut offs, no early voting, restricted absentee ballots, etc.), but with covid they made it temporarily less shit. Then voters asked for them to be more shit again (Idfk), and then the governor made the accessibility changes permanent anyways?

TLDR: NY is a hot mess.

I checked into NY and PA, it seems like these two states have introduced a second type of mail voting. From PA website

  • Mail-in ballot: Any registered voter may apply to vote by mail in the next election. You do not have to provide a reason for why you want to vote by mail ballot.

  • Absentee ballot: If you will be out of your municipality on Election Day or if you have a disability or illness that prevents you from going to your polling place on Election Day, you can request this ballot type, which requires you to provide a reason for why you want to vote by mail ballot.

This map appears to be covering Absentee ballot restrictions - not all mail in voting options.

That seems normal, oregon does this too. However, they automatically enroll every adult in mail in voting whenever you interact with the state:

Dmv licensing, marriage license, auto registration renewal, etc - you automatically get enrolled for mail in voting (or they just update your address).

It is highly efficient and kind of magical, if one of the few things our government does well, lol.

Why the hell is Rhode Island labeled but not Connecticut or Vermont etc? Bizarre choice there.

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I live in the very red state of Indiana. voting by mail was and always has been an option. but, yes, I understand that there are some places where that's not a choice. I wasn't trying to imply that.

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