The thing

db0@lemmy.dbzer0.commod to ADHD – 706 points –

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Queue neurotypicals saying "have you tried using a planner?"

Holy shit. So many DayTimer books that were completely empty. I started telling my mom not to buy them once I hit high school. I knew they would just be carried around for the year, and then thrown out never having had a single note recorded in them.

Funny how using planners was an integral part to my therapy to cope with adhd. The thing is that I had to be taught and learn through cognitive behavioural therapy how to do that and how to make sure it actually helps me instead of just being another stressor.

All that to say "just use a planner" is terrible advice but not because planners are the enemy of the adhd brained person. Just wanted to say that in case anybody reading this goes into therapy and dismisses the notion because it's become a bit of a meme around here.

Did you try journaling though? 🤔

It's not that I can't journal, it's that journaling isn't part of my routine. And introducing new things into my routine is a Herculean feat. My doctor recently added a medication that I'm supposed to only take while I'm eating dinner.... After 20 years of taking all my daily meds in the morning while I brush my teeth.... I can tell you I'm missing at least half my doses.

I was joking, just to be sure.

Or "just write it down"

I find the writing down part is easy, looking at it again in the future, now that's something else.

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