Trump keeps watching shooting clip: ‘May legit have PTSD’ to politics – 512 points –
Trump Keeps Watching Shooting Clip: ‘May Legit Have PTSD’

Those close to Donald Trump fear the former president “may have legit PTSD” from the assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last month. 

That’s according to a Vanity Fair report published Wednesday that claimed those in Trump’s inner circle have noticed that he’s become fixated on a seven-second clip that shows the moment he nearly lost his life. 

“He’s been watching that seven-second clip of how close he was to getting shot right in the head—over and over and over again,” said a Republican close to the campaign, reported Vanity Fair.


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Load him up on mushrooms before the debate. That should help with the PTSD.

Give him 8 grams of penis envy, I guarantee he'll go for it on the name alone

Instructions unclear.

Have reverted back to a state where the world is all The Flintstones and have identified "dabba dabba doo" as the universal tone that initiated the cosmos.

..there's a drug called penis envy? 🤨

I always heard being in a fearful state before doing hallucinogenics caused a bad trip?


It builds character

I mean, wouldn’t that be something. He takes a heroic dose, comes out the other side with a soul and a conscience, quits the race and preaches the power of the mushroom to all his followers. Can you imagine all them having an inner dialogue and waking up from the fever dream? Almost brings a tear to my eye.

I wouldn't call it a bad trip, was great after I stopped thinking about what happened. That just took a while.

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