Trump keeps watching shooting clip: ‘May legit have PTSD’ to politics – 512 points –
Trump Keeps Watching Shooting Clip: ‘May Legit Have PTSD’

Those close to Donald Trump fear the former president “may have legit PTSD” from the assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last month. 

That’s according to a Vanity Fair report published Wednesday that claimed those in Trump’s inner circle have noticed that he’s become fixated on a seven-second clip that shows the moment he nearly lost his life. 

“He’s been watching that seven-second clip of how close he was to getting shot right in the head—over and over and over again,” said a Republican close to the campaign, reported Vanity Fair.


Well, they did try to kill the one person in the world that he cares about...

His new “personal Vietnam”

to be fair to him he kinda dodged this one too.

That's not PTSD. He's a narcissist and that was the last moment where he was the center of national attention and it looked like there was no way he could lose. Then Biden stepped down.

Legit kinda hilarious how an actual assassination attempt completely got drown out by "new competition lol"

I'm genuinely thrilled with just how little attention that got.

Just shows that empathy is reciprocative. He never showed empathy towards another human being, so now nobody feels it for him.

I remember people in various places talking/writing about how they were in public places when it was being televised on cable news, and almost no one was really paying that close of attention.

I won't say that couldn't have happened, but that shit was everywhere around me for like... 2 days

I don't have a whole lot of redhats in my every day activities, thankfully. But at one point, I thought they'd all be slapping bumper stickers and other stupid regalia all over their possessions and their bodies and I'd see it nearly everywhere.

I did see one parent that had their very young child wearing some shirt based on his photo-op after the shooting, I will say. That's some grade-A parenting right there, egad.

It’s cause the shooter was conservative so they realized focusing on it would only end up making them look bad.

Idk, he has a history of obsession with being killed. Supposedly his fast food habits were formed because he could be anonymous, he'd send someone to get the food so he doesn't have to worry about being poisoned.

When you screw over as many people as Trump has in his career, that's a legitimate worry.

I think I'd be traumatized by being an inch from a bullet to my brain. I also think Trump is mainlining toxic traits into his persona like "men don't cry" and "mental health is for pussies" so I wouldn't ever expect him to actually publicly admit to having feelings about it or getting support.

Come to think of it, him not bringing up the shooting in every sentence out of his mouth for martyrdom points, seems really out of character. All we got subjected to was a comically large, stark white bandage at the GOP convention. The lack of milking it for sympathy ad nauseum makes me think he really is affected by it.

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Too bad for him that he will refuse to see a therapist or psychiatrist because he thinks it's a sign of weakness.

I'd certainly be fucked up if it had happened to me.

It's so so sad that he's bound for a nervous breakdown and potentially Harris slamming her hand on the podium with the right force and angle could potentially be a trigger for it.

please let us have a real life ace attorney moment

Dude is Redd White but somehow even more of a cartoonish parody of a rich man.

Who would be a better female clown murderer, Boebert or MTG?

Not unprecedented. Even doing so intentionally isn’t new. Just look at Admiral James Stockdale in the 1992 election. Dude was a decorated Vietnam vet and former POW, but before a debate, someone thought it’d be a great idea to jingle some keys. Apparently, that was something his captors did to mess with him in Vietnam. Cue the PTSD flashback, and suddenly Stockdale’s looking disoriented on stage. So yeah, a well-placed podium slam? Could totally set off a meltdown.

I hope she brutally takes advantage of that.

He might get counseling from some evangelical pastor though, and come out of it even more terrible than he already is.

Well....would you have spent the last 8 years of your life spreading views of hate and racism?

Because I think thats what got him shot at.

There is zero fucking chance he's having an "am I the baddie?" Moment while watching this clip. He's probably thinking how bad ass his hair looks or something about manliness blah blah.

Trump is a one trick pony.

Or he's finally been confronted with his own mortality and its fucking with him in ways a life empty of any kind of introspection would.

Yeah I'm not giving him credit at all but there's definitely a very real undeniable difference between talking smack and being threatened and all that and actually getting shot at, hit (even if barely) and nearly killed. Trump is an ego inflated asshole, but the sight of your own blood, especially at his age when death is already a daily thought I'm sure, can seriously fuck you up mentally.

Its funny right. If he could have just shut the fuck up and let the convention happen around him, and then not been a total fucking cunt, he probably could have coasted on that into November. He could have been a "changed man" like they were trying to set him up as and just stepped a bit back, been a bit more reserved and honestly, he would be much harder to beat.

Idk man. I have PTSD from my time in military service where I get woken up at night and have to do something. And that shit was a long ass time ago. It doesn't really get better. I mean you can do drugs about it. Finding the company of others with a shared experience helps. But it doesn't go away.

Completely unqualified suggestion here but,

have you tried going for a run when you wake up at the middle of the night?

I was having the problem of waking up at 3am and unable to fall sleep, I started to embrace it, prepare some coffee, stretch a bit and then get out to run to a completely deserted city.

Running is very therapeutic, when you get intrusive thoughts, you just squeeze further running until your brain cannot focus on other thing than breathing.

I found a time-frame of therapy that only belongs to me and it has also helped me with the sleeping problems.

I am not qualified or anything and I don't want to diminish your problem, but if it could help I just wanted to let it out.


Sorry to hear that. I have PTSD as well (but from other causes). For me EMDR, imagery rescripting and psychosomatic physiotherapy helped. It did not completely solve it, but it made it much better. Maybe some things to try if you have not done so, and you want to.

He was a draft dodger, so I suppose in some capacity you could view this as that cowardice catching up with him.

A conservative, especially a sociopathic narcissistic one, is incapable of introspection.

It sounded like, from the shooter's web searches, that if it had been Biden holding a rally hear the shooter's house, Biden would have been shot at. It was less anything about Trump and more that the shooter wanted to shoot someone famous/important, from what I've seen.

I think that's irrelevant. Nearly getting your brains blown out will fuck with your head regardless of anybody's judgement of whether you deserved it.

I'm not sure the mindset of the person getting shot at is "irrelevant"

Load him up on mushrooms before the debate. That should help with the PTSD.

Give him 8 grams of penis envy, I guarantee he'll go for it on the name alone

Instructions unclear.

Have reverted back to a state where the world is all The Flintstones and have identified "dabba dabba doo" as the universal tone that initiated the cosmos.

..there's a drug called penis envy? 🤨

I always heard being in a fearful state before doing hallucinogenics caused a bad trip?


It builds character

I mean, wouldn’t that be something. He takes a heroic dose, comes out the other side with a soul and a conscience, quits the race and preaches the power of the mushroom to all his followers. Can you imagine all them having an inner dialogue and waking up from the fever dream? Almost brings a tear to my eye.

I wouldn't call it a bad trip, was great after I stopped thinking about what happened. That just took a while.

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May he spend the rest of his life in a degree of suffering to that which he caused.

I hope it wakes him up in a cold sweat every night until the day his soul leaves his greasy orange carcass

Look, Donnie, PTSD sucks. Unlike your cult, those of us working against you do want you to seek treatment. Like legitimately. We want you to get better.

But also like fuck off while you're doing that.



Everyone Else

God... Imagine having to be his therapist... Anyone who's able to make even a little progress with him would deserve a Nobel prize

Sisyphus would look on and thank his good fortune.

Pretty sure the rock would roll uphill on its own if Drumph came calling.

Lol, therapy (and just the act of starting therapy) requires the ability to self-reflect and be self-critical.

He's not capable of either.

That's not PTSD. That's a fixation, maybe an epiphany on his mortality. There's a whole range of symptoms he'd need to be displaying at least some of. Calling that PTSD is problematic on so many levels.

I can't stand the guy, but PTSD can manifest in several different ways. I'm willing to bet obsessing over the event is one of those ways

Edit: it could also just be "post traumatic stress" without it being a disorder. I'm not a professional and I don't know trump personally, but I would like to warn against telling people this isn't what PTSD looks like because someone might not seek treatment due to misunderstanding their affliction

It is but what other symptoms does he have? And will he have them months from now? It's absolutely normal to obsess over a near death experience in the short term.

I don't think it's normal to seek it out and relive it, though.

It is. Like the other symptoms it's a problem if it persists or gets in the way of other things.

hate to be that guy, but you haven't cited any sources, so:

Are you qualified to make that statement?

Maggoty is a licensed clinical psychologist with 30 years experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and trauma. He co-authored the most widely used academic textbook on the subject and served as an adviser to the Obama administration for 4 years.

That would be hilarious and true to the nature of the Internet but no.

More qualified than some random campaign staffer. For now let's just say I came by this name honestly.

Ain’t no way. They are putting this in the media because no one cares about someone shooting at him and they are desperate to explain why he’s only don’t small indoor rally’s now. They don’t want people to notice he has no supporters anymore.

I would think if it were PTSD he would have a hard time speaking to a crowd again but that is definitely not the case.

He is having trouble speaking in front of crowds. Not because of that, mind you. But because the crowds aren't showing up.

It’s just Trump watching himself and internalizing about how brave and wonderful he is.

Is it PTSD or is he fixated on the last moment he thought he'd win before Biden dropped out and everything fell apart for him?

We all know what else in this vid. The cinematographic rise of Trump from under security agents with a fist. He is nutting over how great he is at that moment.

Let's be real, that Pic is going in textbooks.

Yes, hopefully in the section on how he, possibly the worst president in U.S. history, tried to destroy American democracy.

Just because that picture looks "strong" doesn't mean he'll be remembered that way.

Well, we can hope, but unless we federally standardize a curriculum... Let's just say some states differ on what they teach the Civil War was about.

Are you JD Vance?

Looks like something he would post

Reminder for those who might downvote this comment: JD Vance publicly referred to Trump as "America's Hitler".

Thank you. Was I being too subtle?? Lmao

People are so focused on the couch jokes they must have missed out on the "America's Hitler" comment.

I missed out on it. When and in what context? This timeline is so weird.

It's already been wrapped around a cyber truck. It can't get any more important than that.

Yeah, but, like, he didn't do anything for such a legacy, he happened into his own Triumph of the Will moment by a coincidence of so much mistakes. There's though no wonder why he's seen as a messiah by his cultists and he sees it as a personal gift from the god, the recognition he didn't have in his family as per biographies.

Yeah, who knows what's going on in that head of his. In a moment when most people would be in momentary shock unable to process what just happened quickly enough, Trump knew immediately that he needed his shoes. Then stood triumphantly with blood running down his face and a dead body behind him.

Edit: when the transcript of the secret service communications was released i was shocked that Trump would be so concerned about his shoes. I immediately assumed, set up, he's trying to move on to the next part of the act in full costume.

Now after posting this and thinking about it more, I can see someone, in that moment, being disoriented, noticing they're bare footed, and focus on that. I still know that Trump is a pos.

Watching a clip of a firefighter getting murdered over and over again.

Dude is more worried about the shrapnel cut to his ear.

I mean, do you think an attempt on your life might fuck you up?

I agree It would...

Reality is more like... Someone else died.

Crowd went nuts. Ear hurt.

Secret service rushes you off stage.

Secret service tells you what happened.

Never actually experienced an actual threat.

Was not presented with fight or flight.

He just.. basically heard about it and walked away with a cut.

I mean, he was present, fully. He recognized the moment and his positional within it to create one of the most iconic presidential images of all time.

So I dont know if I really agree with your framing.


Nazi peon doesn't become special because of his job or because he took a bullet intended for Nazi leader. Nothing of value was lost, except the opportunity to take out a larger pile of trash.

I'm trying hard to understand your point of view... It's easy to be angry.

The problem I see is that the way you feel about the "peon" is probably the same way trump feels about him too. Trump feels everyone else as insignificant.

Unfortunately this means you and trump have very much in common.

Let that sink in...

Now... If that previous comment has not completely closed your mind...

Let's try to be better humans together.

I am not a Trump supporter or sympathizer. In fact, I hate that I have to qualify this at all, but nuance is dead on the internet.

You are speaking with a voice of logic. Trump should not have been shot at, nor should he have been killed. He was targeted unlawfully.

No person should die at the hands of another. We can't judge each other effectively or objectively.

I may wish for trauma, pain, or more on someone, but I don't earnestly believe anybody deserves it nor should we be the arbiters of death. Especially if it's because of ideological differences.

Trump would commonly pull a scam with his property development business where the company would hire a bunch of local, small and medium, businesses in order to do most of the work. Then, in the days leading to the project being finished, would put forth a large amount of false complaints of things they did wrong. He would then refuse to pay, and sue. He would hold them up in court, and bankrupt them, if they didn't just drop it, and walk away, which would often bankrupt them anyway. He did this for decades. He destroyed hundreds, if not thousands, of small businesses this way. That is to say, he destroyed those people's lives. He destroyed their families. There is a long list of contractors who killed themselves in the fall-out, left in the wake of his fraudulent business practices.

A man once slipped and fell in some event Trump was having. The guy's head split open, and he was dying. Trump says he was mad that the blood was ruining his beautiful floor. He is a rapist, a pedophile, a con man. He definitely has bought any violence coming to him. Fuck him.

Yes, fuck him.

But what are you advocating for? We all know he's trash. So is our justice system. Are you angry with him? Or are you angry that our justice system is rigged in a way that lets him get away with this shit behavior repeatedly?

We would not know his deplorable name if it wasn't for the him getting away with shitty behavior and flaunting that he didn't get punished. He literally got convicted before our own eyes for something his own lawyer went to prison for, but remains largely unaffected.

THAT makes me angry and feel cheated. Do I hate him? Yes. Do I wish terrible things on him? Absolutely. Should I be his judge? Probably not.

I am advocating for not giving a shit when someone murders him. Someone should have done that a long time ago. The kid who tried was 20. He has time to be reformed. Time for people to figure out what is wrong, and give him therapy, make him work on himself. And it would all be at a net gain for humanity. We know, for fact, he has done these things. We know Trump can't be reformed. It will be a huge suck on resources to imprison him. Just shoot him, toss his body in a dumpster, and move forward.

I basically said this. I know this is difficult because we're on the internet, but I asked some nuanced questions that require a little more than key slapping. I'm genuinely curious if they matter at all.

For me, it's our financial system that created this piece of shit and our judicial system that failed to keep him in check. He's working and acting the way he does because he had a broken, corrupt family and was never taught moral code or an ethical framework. Yet our electoral system put him into power despite him not getting the majority. Our corporate media keeps airing him for the views. Our digital and print media keep covering him for the clicks...

WE are to blame because we the people cannot unfuck this country.

That explains, but does not excuse. You can judge, it's not some grey area, he did these things, he had the education to know better. The corrupt system explains how it came to be, but neither get off because of it. Trump is guilty, the system is guilty. Just because it is a lot easier to throw away Trump doesn't mean we shouldn't. While more, and more, draconic penalties do not continue to produce more, and more, deterrence, infinitely, the fact that there are serious penalties for your actions does have a major deterrence factor. Billionaires have had zero serious consequences to their actions. So giving them serious consequences is a first step towards systemic reform.

The thing is, he's not the only one. He just happens to be the most obnoxious and openly dangerous one.

Have to start somewhere. When you do all you can to affect change, and nothing happens, you are forced to accept or turn to violence.

Unfortunately this means you and trump have very much in common.

...because we both recognize that one of his cultist pawns is a cultist pawn? Do I really need to articulate the distinction that the pawn holds no value to me because he advocates for the destruction of my rights, neighbors, and country; vs him not holding any value to Trump because he's not Trump?

I'm not going to shed any tears over the loss of evil - the world became a slightly better place when that man died.

If this was anyone but Trump, I'd probably feel bad for him.

However, since it's Donnie, all I can say is that I like Presidential candidates who don't get shot.

Man, u boutta make the monkey paw curl. Can u not?

If Trump starts campaining in a army combat helmet, ala Dukakis, it will be worth it.

He will be wearing the helmet from the Full Metal Jacket cover and act like he was in the shit.

It was a lesson and he learned all the wrong things.

I hope it tears him up inside and he suffers as much as he's hurt others.

Add it to the list of dangerous qualities for the President of the United States to have. Cool stuff.

I care about as much as he cares of all the people, especially kids, killed in mass shootings.

In his shoes, I'd be traumatized by the huge percentage of people that are disappointed by the poor aim. I'm one of those people. Only good Nazi is a dead one.

Just 4 more inches to the right and I could have told my uncle it's fake and trump's coming back with JFK at the plaza.

To be fair, who wouldn't?

I think what makes it worse for Trump is that it was a registered Republican that was the shooter, aka, his own "side".

Could it be the geriatric orange infant has never considered his own mortality?

He has to go on stages and still doesn't know why the protection detail was so lacking in ... execution.

He has no reason to think they will be up to the challenge if another attempt is made.

I could see that messing up someone's mind.

He got shot bc he couldn't get indoor venues to rent to him due to his long history of not paying his bills. Karma finally almost came calling.

Rule number one: don't work with Trump.
Rule number two: get the money upfront.

Outdoor venues cost money too. I think it's because his supporters are more rural and more likely to attend a rally at a fairground than an auditorium in an urban setting

This will change nothing. This is quite possibly the most narcissistic human in at least a century, the only thing PTSD would do is make his behavior worse and more erratic.

Yeah. He will just have to have the longest table. You know a table with two zip codes. After all putin is his role model. .

If he can't sell it in cheap gold I don't see how he can have ever considered anything

I imagine most people would have some form of PTSD even being at the same event, never mind being the target.

Donnie should seriously seek mental help if he's not getting it already - unlike many Americans, he can afford it.

Republicans politicians don't do therapy. They see it as a sign of weakness.

As a person he presents as such a terrible person.

But as a human being, I feel for him and don't think anyone - even the worst of us - deserves PTSD.

Mr Trump deserves a long life in a very thick-walled cell, and needs to think on the terrible things he's done and how it affects others. This isn't possible if he's dead.

He isn't capable of self reflection or remorse. He's a sociopathic narcissist. I do hope he ends up in prison long enough to suffer the humiliation and degradation he so richly deserves while he witnesses the world slowly forget all about him

Not endorsing violence, but I don't think he deserves a long life. He's done plenty of harm, and him thinking about it doesn't help anything. It only allows him to continue to be a threat. However, I think an assassination would be the worst possible outcome. It'd give power to all of those using him. Power that they don't have as long as he's alive. He'd become a symbol, and all the horrible things he's done would be forgotten. He's better alive and losing the election and all credibility and support.

Well, the violence came from his side. That's how they roll. Expect more of it. They can't stop. Be prepared.

They don't see it that way. This is another "black helicopter" thing where they just assume it's part of the CommieLib-MkUltra-Deepstate and that every piece of evidence that runs contrary to that narrative is so obviously manufactured by Nancy Pelosi using a 3D printed, Jewish-space-neuralizer organized by AOC to delete her feet pictures off the internet.

It's clearly just aconspiracy to ruin the lives of the UberMerican loud minority of manly lifted truck driving estranged fathers wearing Izod Sport jackets with iron-on bald eagles and American flags.

If he were a real Republican® Christian© American™, he wouldn't have done a violence, but if he had, his aim would have been true, and and he would have gotten away.

If you're talking about the assassination attempt, I don't think we know which side the shooter was on. We only have remarks from classmates saying he was conservative and that his house (owned by his parents) had Trump signs. We also have a donation to progressives and a Google search for both Trump and Biden events. That's everything I've heard I think. It doesn't paint a particularly clear message. It seemed more like someone trying to leave a mark in history with his suicide (who will only be remembered as the kid who missed, and also didn't get into the shooting club because he was a dangerously bad shot), not a politically motivated assassin.

The attack on the capital, yeah for sure, and yeah we'll certainly see more of that.

the shooter was a right winger. we know this. it was not ideologically motivated, dude just wanted to do something 'important', and his right wing beliefs led him to believe shooting someone, which he was insecure about, was what he should do.

You can say we know it all you want. We really don't. We can make assumptions, and we can hope for things that make us feel more secure in our beliefs, but it doesn't actually create proof. What proof is there that I didn't list that you must have? Saying "we know this" doesn't make me any more confident. You must know more, right?

  1. his social media accounts.

  2. journalists have talked to people who knew him. he was like a center right dude, in the way stupid teens sometimes are.

  3. the whole reason he decided to do this is because he got laughed off the school's rifle team for being bad, and was so upset about it he decided to try to kill an 'important' person to prove it to them.

  4. I think he said why? IDR the medium. I don't super care. look it up.

  5. why are you saying we don't know? are you just now stumbling into the fundamental limits of knowledge and epistemological uncertainty and having an existential crisis and getting an urge to build a time machine so you can go back to when kurt godel was alive so you can MURDER HIM and never have to think about this again? are you okay? do you need a hug and an ice cream koan? can I help? not with the time machine; kurt godel is one of like three mathmeticians whose work I actually like,but, you know, with your feels?

I addressed everything you said, except for 4 which I don't think exists as far as I'm aware. As for the rifle team thing, there are plenty of leftists who like to shoot guns. For example, I do.

Why I'm saying we don't know is because the top comment made a claim that we do know. Why did it say that? Isn't that the issue if someone is making a claim without it being backed up by evidence? I like that you're making an attack on me as if I'm being emotional. I promise you I'm not. I just don't appreciate people spreading false information. It can only work to undermine us if we make a false claim and it's proven false in the future. Let's just stick to what we know. We're on the right side. We don't need lies.

plenty of people like to shoot guns. lefties, however, do not get butthurt because its a core part of our identities so when someone says 'you're so bad at shooting we dont even trust you to point that thing in the right ~120 degree arc to not risk shooting at us, go away'.

you addressed everything I said. so... what IS up with you? lets go back to point 5. feels like that's more what this is about.

I promise you there are lefties that would get pissed off if they were told they were a bad shot. Stop assuming everyone on the left is your perfect model of person. They aren't. We can have issues too.

I addressed point 5 multiple times at this point I think. Pretending like we have information we don't have leaves us in danger, and lying about information we don't have makes our standing fragile. We have no need to lie because we're on the right side.

Just be honest. The kid had conservative parents, supposedly expressed some conservative views to other students, wanted to join the gun club but was dangerous whole shooting so was denied, donated a small amount to a progressive fund, and searched for both Biden and Trump events. That's what we know (I think, unless more has come out). He obviously wasn't a leftist, but he was a dumb teenager. I don't know if he knew what he believed.

pissed? sure. 'murder someone about it'? unlikely. the things we get THAT upset about are entirely different.

okay but we do have information. I addressed that in points one and two. we do have information. I told you what information we have. so I return to point five, and wonder if you need a hug.

he searched for both biden and trump (and I think some others?) events because he didn't care WHO he shot, just that it was important. the kid was a right winger, in specifically the way that children can be, and that motivated that he did a shooting, but not who he shot. correct. this is what I said originally.

I dont know if he knew what he believed

that is what I meant by 'in the way that kids are'

You keep implying I'm being emotional because you're arguing with me and have no grounding, so it makes you feel like your argument is stronger. Please, go away if that's all you're going to keep doing. I have not been emotional. Your insults seem to imply you potentially are though, so reconsider why you're doing this.

pissed? sure. 'murder someone about it'? unlikely. the things we get THAT upset about are entirely different.

It seems pretty clear to me it was suicide. That was the goal, and leaving a mark was a bonus. He searched for both Biden and Trump events. It seems he would have taken either opportunity to go out while killing a (former) president and presidential candidate. It was not politically motivated and I don't know how you can assume he's right wing?

I dont know if he knew what he believed

that is what I meant by 'in the way that kids are'

Yet you still say he's right wing. Based on what evidence? His parent's Trump signs, or the fact he said some "conservative" things to classmates at some point in time (and assume they can correctly identify conservative from anarchist or anything else being dumb teenagers)?

Look. I don't really care. I just don't appreciate dishonesty. Saying we have more information than we do is dishonest. I'm not replying to this anymore unless you actually add information. All you added this time is that "I'm being emotional" and even that wasn't the first time you did so. If you have more information, go ahead and include it. If not, you don't actually know his political ideology and you don't care about honesty.

3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...
3 more...

That sucks, maybe he should take some time off and get his shit together? I think we'd all understand if he dropped out and thought about retirement.

Yeah I still can't get over how a couple of days later his right ear didn't have a mark on it. At his age, even with the best of plastic surgery, he wouldn't have clean skin on an ear for at least a week if he'd actually had a bullet pass through any part of it. I don't believe things he has to say about his health- he has a pretty solid track record when it comes to not telling the truth about his height, weight, bone spurs, being a stable genius, etc

Okay, but what's the alternative? Trump faked the whole thing in some sort of false flag? He planted a fake gunman to get killed by the secret service, and put two of his close supporters in the hospital in critical condition, for a bump in the polls, when he was already confident that he could beat Biden? Is that really a more plausible explanation than "someone decided to kill Trump over the Epstein files, missed, and was killed"? I absolutely hate the guy, buy I just don't buy it. I can accept "he got hit by a shard of glass instead of a bullet" or "he got grazed elsewhere and it just looks like he was hit in the ear" but claiming the whole thing was faked is just a bridge too far.

We're supposed to be above this type of shaky conspiracy theory level thinking.

FWIW, I didn't read anything in BM's post that made me think he was arguing the incident was fake. I interpreted that (s)he was saying it probably was other debris or shrapnel, and he's insisting it was an actual slug to look like a tough guy.

I personally did read it that way, but I will concede that perhaps I was being uncharitable.

Regardless, I have seen people explicitly questioning whether it was faked elsewhere, and it makes me cringe every time. Talking about this serves literally zero purpose--it makes the left look crazy, any alternative explanations that make Trump look bad fall apart under the barest scrutiny, and it just serves to keep the assassination attempt in peoples' minds. There are literally hundreds of other things to complain about Trump over, talking about this doesn't help.

Agreed 105%, plus it's also just plain stupid. Nobody within half a mile of Trump's inner circle has any real competence, so the idea that any/all of them could successfully pull off a faked assassination is probably more absurd than flat earthers telling us the moon landing was rigged.

The only way I could buy it is if it came out that it was faked, but their plan involved keeping the gunman alive so he could spout fake-leftist buzzwords and they either didn't realize that the secret service shoots to kill, or forgot to clue them into the plan ahead of time.

Are you suggesting that Trump is a supe with superhuman healing abilities?

Is he still crying about the ear thing? What a snowflake.

PTSD is serious and difficult to live with and I feel sorry for anyone who has it. Not really something to joke about.

I would be freaked out too if I almost got assassinated. He is a human being.

I don't want him to be president. But that doesn't change my basic humanity for the victim of a crime.

I have PTSD. I have zero sympathy for him. I hope he suffers even more than me.

Well, you can have PTSD and be a dick, both are possible.

I just don't believe in well-wishing to actively malicious literal Nazi fucks. Guess that's radical.

Some people never get a chance to learn and grow into anything better. There are literal white supremacists who reformed and some fight for anti-racism now. People should be given a chance to become more than their bad decisions, if they show they’re actively trying to better themselves.

People should be given a chance to become more than their bad decisions, if they show they’re actively trying to better themselves.

Cool. Is Trump doing that?

If not, I stand by my statement. I hope he suffers.

Don't get me wrong, I think he should go straight to hell with his buddy Putin. I just think that wishing somebody PTSD is structurally similar to wishing somebody to experience sexual violence in prison, i.e. a vindictiveness that somehow belittles the struggles of PTSD.

What's the difference between hell and PTSD on the malice scale?

Hell is not real and no innocent goes there. I guess if we knew for sure that it existed, and didn't trust the administrators of hell to follow proper protocols, it would be similar? Like, you could say "don't wish people hell, my aunt was innocently sent there and boiled for eternity!". Though I'm willing to concede that hell, being an abstract concept beyond the arbitration of human morality, is a neat way to be malicious about bad people.

Buddy there is no hell. This man will get away with everything he's done, and even if he's put in a prison cell for the rest of his life, it will not be nearly long enough.

There is no magic justice that occurs after shitty people die. The rest of the world just has to live with the consequences of their awful actions.

The amount of trauma this man has created for others, it makes me want Hell to be real. I hope this incident completely unravels him.

nah, no sympathy. most people with ptsd probably didn't fuck around like there are no consequences for your actions. this fucker deserves every bad thing that is coming to him, including finding out that he is hated and people want him dead.

He is a human being.

I have real trouble with this. He seems to lack any kind of human qualities - no empathy, no wit or warmth.

If someone ripped his orange mask off, Scooby Doo style, and it revealed some kind of mindless racist/sexist slur and weak-insult spouting robot underneath, I think it would explain a lot.

We see his public facing persona. It says things that are more or less within the realm of normal for most of society.

I bet when he is with the wealthy follks the real Don comes out. Says things that rich and wealthy want to hear, akin to agenda 2025 but more focused on poors being confined while they still get to break laws.

I would be freaked out too if I almost got assassinated. He is a human being.

Donald Dump is an especially self absorbed human being so he almost surely freaked out even more than a normal person would.

Tbh, are we sure he just doesn’t feel strong? Like. I know some jocks that like to watch their last best over and over again.

It maybe this will be good and get him to finally realize words have meanings and power and he’s choosing words of hate.

(Maybe this time if I do hold my breath.)

Not PTSD, a malignant narcissist obsessed with himself.

It isn't PTSD. It is him being upset that it didn't get him more sympathy.

Good. Some might pay good money to see him in a fetal position sobbing with his thumb in his lying mouth

At least he is not shitposting while bingewatching. If it keeps him busy, off the road and off the net, fine with me.

Has anybody considered an angel helped guide the shooter to nick trump's ear thus giving a new level of paranoia.

I'm honestly not sure if this is a better outcome than him being dead. I think the new even more paranoid batshit Trump is doing way more damage than his literal death would have

Well there's still time to find out if thats something you want to act on.

Don't worry, he's too much of a dumbass to go see a therapist about it. Instead he'll just bottle it up so fester into a new mental illness to add to the pile.

Yeah I do not like the man at all whatsoever, but I wish this didn't happen. Even for his own sake.

I respect your opinion but cannot agree, and I don’t care if others see that as wrong. He is a vile human who deserves nothing.

The first thing he did after getting shot was blame democrats instead of stopping the nazi rhetoric

That's despite them laughing and joking that palosis husband got attacked. They supported Trump and still get blamed. He has no honour whatsoever. He's still a massive lier who has promised suffering to many who elect him and to impede justice

The only reason I wish it didn't happen is because it puts other politicians at risk and further empowers right wing crazies

Honestly, he deserved it. He deserves jail (he raped multiple women). He defamed the women he raped. He cheated his way through life and brags about screwing over the trades he hires ruining their lives. He's degrading the rights of everyone he isn't and marked a return of racism and bigotry. He makes jokes about other people getting injured. He's a bully and now since people don't call him out until now, he's successfully raised to the spot of president bully

He uses people, and abuses them and is following a mafia playbook.

The only surprise is that it took so long honestly... Everyone expected it eventually (especially after he promised to be a dictator and free criminals).

It's not a surprise it was a registered republican who did the shooting either, because many of them have probably felt screwed over by him too and there are some decent people on that side too who are likely sick of the extremism

After getting shot AT* Theres no proof he was hit or even grazed by a round.

I would have called you crazy originally.. But, the facts are that he isn't releasing medical records and has only released info from someone who isn't even a registered doctor anymore.

He stood up on stage and told everyone he was a quick healer, and his ear looked 100% ok.

But I agree. If it touched him at all (which is now questionable), it definitely wasn't a "2cm wide wound". And, it's a nothing wound. Even in primary school he'd be given a bandaid and told to go back to class

I wish it didn't happen, but I would have much rather it have been an assassination instead of an attempt.

My current hope is that he lives long enough to see Harris win in a landslide. Then he can die.

Maybe he'll get access to a therapist once he's in prison. Group therapy once a month, individual sessions once a year or so, that's about how it goes for incarcerated folks I hear. It won't be a lot of help, but then again, he doesn't deserve any.

If he has PTSD, isn't he unqualified to be a president?

I read that as “Trump keeps watching shooting clip: May legit have STD,” and it makes no difference

Trump: "Rage adrenaline doesn't do it for me anymore. Now only fear of death adrenaline is enough to focus me."

He should leave the race and get therapy before he goes to prison, that is the best I can hope for him. Get out.

2 Legit 2 Quit

Do people not say “legitimate” anymore?

why would they, it's two extra syllables that add nothing to the meaning.

why would they, it's two extra sylls that add noth to the meang.

Convince me it wasn't their own false flag. #OperationConserve

I have seen more evidence that it was a false flag than evidence supporting that he was shot in the ear.

"a lot of people say I got a good ear. the best ear. they're smart people. this ear fooled that bullet from hitting this youthful head. let's see that stable genius moment again"

... is probably what he's thinking

but i am not a mind reader.

He just wants to figure out how to use it to his advantage, like everything else.

Shot with a piece of glass? Where is the damage to his ear? What glass object was broken, and why have no pictures of it surfaced ever?

I wonder why it’s a 7 second clip and not the whole thing?

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This is insulting to people who really suffer with PTSD, and shows an ignorance of our modern understanding of trauma.

I don't know man.....I don't like trump, at all, but getting intentionally targeted by an assasin, and only surviving because you unknowingly turned your head just the right way to make the bullet miss by inches seems like a legit reason to develop actual PTSD.

Theres lots of reasons to hate trump, but if you dehumanize him you run the same risk that 1940s had with hitler. If you think of him as a monster, you stop thinking of him as human. If you stop thinking of him as human, it's easy to dismiss his behavior and actions as being not something a human would do. And once you do that you open the door for it to happen in the future.

Everything trump and hitler have done are fully able to be done by someone else. As terrible as they are, they're still human.

You could have a decent thought here if it weren't for his response to BLM movement, trying to call in the national guard to crowd control with live ammo, the border and war crimes, as well his assault on the court system and attack on reproductive/women's rights. That among many other things no one remembers. The sheer volume of trauma he's generated in the world easily negates any sympathy in my mind.

As a human he deserves medical and psychological treatment like anyone else as that's a human right imo. One which he's happy to ignore for others. By no means would i ever feel a shred of sympathy for the fleshpile.

Complex PTSD needs to be in the DSM...

That's not at all how PTSD works. Bad things happen to people all the time and they don't develop PTSD. It's insulting to people who really deal with it.

PTSD is not "something bad happened and now I have feelings". It does not automatically happen after a major event. It's a lot more complicated, and y'all are not psychiatrists. It's insulting to throw the word around and use it for politics.

Reminds me of people saying "omg 'm so OCD!" Because they like a clean house. That's not what OCD is, and getting shot is not what PTSD is.