How would you react if Reddit joined the fediverse? to – 127 points –

Similar to the time Soviet Russia wanted to join the anti-Soviet alliance which was trying to pretend wasn't made to plot against the soviets.


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I mean you're already getting Reddit content, Lemmy is basically just Reddit reposted.

Not when you block that reposting bot. Every once in a while I'll see something that's a screenshot from reddit, but that's fine. We can get content from all over. Reddit used to get 9gag screenshots and commenters would throw up in their mouths a little over that.

I'm not talking about a bot. Just scroll around and then go to Reddit for a while. Same exact content.

That's just the Internet now. Every site has content pulled from other sites and their share of local content. Then it gets reposted with more compression artifacts each cycle until it degrades and returns to the earth.

Agreed. Which makes it weird that so many people on here seem somewhat upset with the idea that I'm putting that out. Though I absolutely think Lemmy gets way way more than it gives.

I'd look at it this way: a lot of people on Lemmy came from Reddit, but people's reasons for leaving are different.

Some left Reddit for what it was, but still want what it has. Namely, they want the content and community, but they want to access it on their own terms, so they try to recreate it on Lemmy. If Reddit hadn't fucked with their app access, they'd still be on Reddit.

Others want to actively avoid making Lemmy into Reddit 2.0, seeing it as a failed model, and so they try to prevent the spread of "Reddit-isms" in their instances. It's a gatekeeping measure to prevent the spread of normies, thereby keeping their communities small, niche, and nerdy.

I'm honestly surprised there are a number of people in here who would push back against the idea of having federated access to Reddit content when this very community is unapologetically a Lemmy analog of Askreddit.

Sometimes i see something on reddit that ive seem already here. Very little is OC

All the downvotes but literally every post here I see is on Reddit hours or days beforehand.

A) It's not literally every post

B) Stop using reddit. Problem solved.

A) literally means figuratively. Go grab a dictionary and check yourself.

B) Was I complaining about Reddit? If anything, I'm complaining about the fact that Lemmy is much smaller and often delayed in getting me news about current events

If you can't miss hours in the 24 hours social media cycle, you should probably cut back your exposure my dude.

You're on, lol. It was designed to be a FOSS clone of Reddit.

It's because people don't understand that Lemmy.World specifically serves as a Reddit replacement, but other communities don't serve this purpose.

It demonstrates the misunderstanding that Lemmy.World is Lemmy. is Reddit 2, most other instances are actually pretty unique.