ADHD Rule to – 879 points –

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I've been on all kinds of medications from age 7 to 26.

Ritallin sped up my heart and I couldn't keep up in gym class because I was constantly catching my breath.

Concerta/dexadrine took away my appetite. One bite every meal, then I was full. I was pathetically skinny and got called anorexic all the time.

Straterra made me tired and drousy all day, I was sexually frustrated because my dick would REFUSE to get hard, and then I would wake up at night, not being able to sleep.

I'm 31 and madication free for 6 years, and have learned to overcome my ADHD on my own. Never swallowing a other ADHD pill again, fuck that shit entirely.

Glad you got it under control without the pills that made you feel bad. Happy for you

I've been on Adderall and Vyvanse for ADHD and binge eating disorder.

The Vyvanse helps a ton with the binges. My doc had suggested I try Concerta if I'm having a hard time finding Vyvanse this month. I was able to find Vyvanse but I had no idea appetite suppression could be so much in the Concerta. Probably way easier than finding/taking any of those fashionable diet injectables. And generic Vyvanse still gets on backorder....

Maybe I'll bring up trying that next time.

the meds help with managing your feelings, thats what you did with binge eating. scientists discuss how binge eating and adhd are realated.

The link is pretty interesting. Apparently a lot of eating disorders can be related to ADHD...namely BED, anorexia, and bulimia.

With BED, supposedly it's about instant gratification. That's likely why a lot of people binge on a specific type of sweets or saltys. Some of it can even be an OCD behavior.

I do wish it was given nearly the same attention as the other eating disorders. It wasn't even until a couple of years ago that I heard of it and the specific markers (like eating well past being full, or binging in secret). But most people have never heard of it because "har har fat person".

This is also why I believe obesity should often be handled as a symptom of mental distress, not something that exists in a vacuum.

I privately think it has something to do with a broken glucose metabolism. basically, your cells are out of energy. so you have cravings for all kinds of stuff that ramps up your basic metabolic rate.

or you crave food. if you eat food, like with sugar and carbohydrates, your blood sugar is ramped up, if blood sugar has a spike, insulin gets released, and you need this insukline to push the glucose out of your blood in your cells, so you end up having energy. and that makes you happy.

so thats what i believe

alcohol gives you energy by the way, like. in the individal cell.

so the instant gratification is your cells having energy.

Do it, if you have a problem with binge eating it could do you wonders. I'm the opposite, even off meds I've always had a hard time gaining weight no matter how much I eat. It's probably the beetus that will get me with how much junk I munch on every time I use cannabis lol. I'm 6'2 170lbs

why do you need to gain weight??? what you describe is a good functioning metabolism. only thing you can do is eat more protein and train to put on muscle, you will not gain fat until you purpoesfully break your metabolism.

Oh yeah, three hours of high school swim practice and seven of school without a bite to eat on Concerta. Awful. And I'd stay up til 3 am every night with vyvanse. I'd consider trying something else but I'm 0-2.

How do you cope?

Cope with what exactly?

Having to function in current society with ADHD I presume

I dono... I just always wanted to be normal, not rely on a drug that gives me undesirable side effects, and if I forget to take it, I have a terrible day.

I'm still trying to learn to fit in every day, and it's hard. I still slip up, and have my days some times. It's not going away either, but this is how I choose to do it

the ritalin issue was probably salt and mineral / vitamin deficency. yeah, you need to eat before taking concerta, people just dont listen ;-)

I took the concerta with my cereal before school as prescribed by my doctor. Lunch I was able to get down my pb&j, but dinner was impossible past the second or third bite

Yeah, fuck life changing medication! White knuckle it like a true american.

Yeah, fuck life changing side effects! White knuckle it like a true american.

My point wasn't that people shouldn't do what's right for them. It was that for many people these medications make a huge difference and without them they they might find themselves suffering from things like depression, anxiety, isolation, etc.

That's prob beyond you, tho.

Yeah you're right and that's great for them, but I'm not part of that group

Also, For many people these medications destroy their bodies and lives. The world isn't black and white

so, where i can read about how ritalin destroys the life and bodies of adhd patients?