Who are the six Israeli hostages whose bodies were found in Gaza?

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 31 points –
Who are the six Israeli hostages whose bodies were found in Gaza?

Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23. Originally from California, Goldberg-Polin immigrated to Israel with his family as a young child. He was taken at gunpoint by Hamas militants while at the Nova music festival.

In August his parents spoke at the Democratic party convention, where they were greeted by a crowd that chanted: “Bring them home.”

Eden Yerushalmi was in contact with the police and with her sisters after the attack. ‘They’ve caught me,’ were her last words to them.

Carmel Gat had been staying with her parents in kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October, one of the communities hardest hit by the attack. Hamas fighters broke into their home and kidnapped her; her mother was killed in the attack.

Alexander Lobanov’s five-month-old son was born while he was in captivity.

Almog Sarusi was taken hostage as his girlfriend, who was shot, succumbed to her injuries.

Ori Danino had been helping others try to escape when he was abducted.


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Oh, these killed by the Israeli air strikes? Along tens of thousands of Palestinians?

No, the hostages were murdered by Hamas. They were not killed by Israeli air strikes.

As stated by the government that has been caught lying more than telling the truth in this conflict that also runs rape and torture camps as reported by their own media.

It’s okay not to like Israeli government but it’s not cool to spread misinformation unless you have some data that we haven’t seen.

Hamas has claimed that they were killed during the air strike.

You are right. Perhaps it is wise to believe the words of the kidnappers and not the people trying to rescue them. Perhaps it is not.

I’m referring to the previous poster going on about unrelated accusations that have nothing to do with the story.

I wouldn't characterize either party as being particularly free from bias. It's a shame that ground-level reporters have such a frequent tendency to die.

They are both asshats and Netanyahu is a psychopath. No denying that.

If Hamas would release these fucking hostages Israel would lose the ability to continue their siege. But they won’t.

Israel constantly says they won't stop if hostages are released. They will only stop once they've killed all hamas, which by their definition of hamas is anyone in Gaza

Do you have a source to go with that or are you just shooting from the hip?

Oof you're a tool. Here's some.context: https://www.npr.org/2024/01/04/1222813493/what-will-it-take-for-israel-to-affirm-mission-accomplished-in-gaza-and-end-the-

That's 8 months old and everyone alreadt knew the hostages were just a political token benji was using to genocide the local ethnic minority.

Go ahead and your head out of your ass and play catch up with the rest of us. The powers that be dont give a shit about the hostages. Lol

What does this transcript of a radio recording have to do with anything? I read the whole thing and don’t see what point you’re trying to make.

No one thinks Netanyahu wants the war to end. Right now he has free rein because Hamas continues to hold hostages and won’t free them.

It would be suicide for him to continue this if the hostages were freed.

I really appreciate your enthusiastic degrading comments directed at me.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu releases a video statement stressing that “we are working to attain another framework to release our captives, but I stress — not at any price.”

“We have red lines,” he continues, “including: we will not end the war, we will not pull the IDF out of the Strip, we will not release thousands of terrorists.”

The prime minister says that in addition to working to get the hostages out, Israel is working toward its other goals in the war — “the elimination of Hamas and to ensure that Gaza never again represents a threat.”

“We are working on all three of them together and we will not give up on any of them.”

Thank you. Got anything more recent than 9 months ago?

Oh I see. No citation or sources are enough for you.

Israel hasn't done anything different since Oct 7th. They've even assassinated the negotiatior.

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And yet you. take. the. word. of. a. country. systematically. raping. civilians.

Don't pretend you're interested in the truth. You're interested in seeing more dead, raped, and starving kids to fulfill you racial prejudices. Go fuck yourself.

Oh god people who write sentences. like. this. Need to be taken out behind the barn.

Very colorful language but nothing to back it up. Please don’t assume you know me or what I want. You’re only making yourself look like a whiny child.

Keep stroking your ego. There's a special place in hell for people who think I'd give a shit how uncivil I look when pointing out their genocidal rhetoric is psychopathic.

I'd rather be a whiny child with a conscience than a stuck up brat supporting blood for the sake of empire.

Wow you sound so well spoken. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t listen to you.

You’re only making yourself look like a whiny child.

You think you're coming off better?

What’s that supposed to mean? Are you upset that I disagree with you?

I find it amusing you think Israel's goal is to rescue the hostages. They really don't give a shit. It's an excuse to cleanse the land for future settlement. Simple as that.

Well if Hamas knows this they could, you know, release the hostages. Israel would lose Casus Belli and all international support.

You’re looking at this wrong.

Israel has kidnapped far more children if you consider the west bank children held without a judicial process, only a military tribunal without counsel where only the testimony of the military personal who kidnapped the children matters.

So, either way you have to believe kidnappers.

Or do Palestinian children not have the privilege to be 'kidnapped'?

Okay so you’ll believe Hamas that the hostages were killed in an Israeli air strike that somehow secretly managed to bomb an underground tunnel?


I'll believe the word of the released hostages that stated the thing that scared them most was Israeli bombing.

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Rape and torture camp as reported by haaretz: sde teinman

I'm not spreading misinformation.

Edited to fix spelling of the name of the torture camp.

Feel free to share the link

You said there were multiple camps. There are not.

You are embellishing. The 9 Israelis responsible are being tried in court. This is not a systematic issue. It’s isolated.

Israeli hostages were also sexually abused.

So you do know of the rape camp and the systemic torture camps?

Why did you call it misinformation if you knew what I was talking about?

You said camps which would imply systemic problems and not an isolated incident.

Disingenuous on your part.

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Hamas blames Israeli airstrikes for death of six hostages in Gaza

“The ones who kill our people daily are the Israeli colonizers with American weapons. The hostages found in Gaza were not killed by us but by the relentless Zionist bombardment,” Rishq said in a statement.

He further criticized the U.S., saying, “If President [Joe] Biden truly cares about the lives of Israeli hostages, he should cease his support for this enemy with money and weapons and pressure Israel to end its aggression immediately.”

Rishq emphasized that Hamas had been more concerned about the lives of the hostages than Biden himself, citing Hamas’ agreement to a cease-fire proposal and the UN Security Council’s resolution, both of which were rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Are you really taking the word of Hamas, who kidnapped the people to begin with? The air raids killed the hostages in an underground tunnel? Yeah, okay.

If Hamas was concerned about the lives of the hostages they could have released them. Propaganda at best.

Propaganda is you believing that Israel wouldn't start an extermination campaign the very day after Hamas agreed to any internationally-agreed peace deal that didn't explicitly demand the IOF pulling out of Gaza.

Israel could've had these people back alive if they agreed to the July 2nd peace plan as the US and Hamas had supported, yet Netanyahu wants indefinite control of the Gaza strip and total extermination of the Palestinian people; The hostages are just a good excuse to keep useful idiots like you in line.

lol are you just going through my post history and commenting on everything?

I’m not disagreeing that Netanyahu has ulterior motives. He’s going to do what he wants since there are still hostages.

Hamas is giving him every excuse to do so.

Turns out if you make multiple replies to a post replying to someone about why genocide is the fault of the victims and not the internationally-back apartheid state targeting civilians, you're gonna have someone like me calling out your bullshit on multiple posts. who knew?

You’re putting words in my mouth. I’m sorry that you are not able to understand the conversation.

Are you really taking the word of a convicted apartheid state that runs a minimum of one torture camp that intentionally bombs civilians?

I’m having a difficult time believing that Israel jets killed hostages located in an underground tunnel.

Then you're as much an idiot as the rest of the morons who take Netanyahu's word. You can tell me what you think a 2000Lbs bomb would do to a hand-dug tunnel a few meters below the surface.

Especially one reliant on manual ventilation since there's little to no electrical power (hmm who did that I wonder?).

Even if Hamas killed them in cold blood, which is a stupid negotiating tactic by the way, they have infinitely more reasons for doing so considering the reality of most of the prison guards having their entire family lines wiped out by targeted attacks on civilians over 10 months.


You don't believe all the released hostages who said the thing that scared them most was the Israeli bombing?

Yes, when tons of explosives are dropped on Gaza, I take the word of Hamas that explosives killed hostages. Especially when other hostages were returned. Hamas gains nothing from their deaths.

You are suggesting that Hamas hasn’t murdered any of the hostages. Are you being serious?

I am suggesting that they didn't murder these ones.

Why? They have murdered hostages before, so there goes the personal gain theory.

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