Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be to – 6 points –
Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be

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Couldn't agree more ๐Ÿ˜…

did you know that there's a button on each comment which is purpose built for you to express this exact sentiment? i've provided a helpful diagram:

Itโ€™s okay, the internet drought is over, we donโ€™t have to ration posts anymore.

Engaging with other people on this small platform makes it feel less empty. There aren't many people here, so I go out of my way to talk to people instead of just interacting with the number beside their comment or post.

"there's not much meat in this stew so i added sawdust" really isn't the slam dunk solution that you think it is.

Up and down votes are not a "agree / disagree" button. They are for dis/encouraging posts. You can upvote a post you disagree with but can see that it is useful for the discussion.

I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed, especially on Lemmy. I feel like votes as agreement instead of acknowledging constructiveness is more prevalent here than on Reddit, especially for anything vaguely political (or AI, Musk, etc). I've seen very constructive comments complete with citations and everything get heavily downvoted because they go against whatever the popular position is, while a low-effort comment next to it gets heavily upvoted because it agrees with the popular opinion.

It's really frustrating, and I wish we had a platform that properly rewarded constructive discussion instead of popular discussion. Yet here we are.

You know if you don't think a comment adds to the discussion there's a purpose built button for you to express that exact sentiment? It's right below the one you pointed out in your very helpful diagram.

you're adorable, but i think we can all agree that making an effort to help other users contribute positively to the platform is itself a positive contribution.

I really hope you're not suggesting that you honestly think someone didn't know about the upvote button? What a silly thing to imply that your sarcastic comment was supposed to be in some way actually helpful to someone.

i like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

i understand that you don't appreciate my tone but i'm afraid i won't be able to kneecap my natural charm in order to be less intimidating to you.

It's not that I don't like your tone, I'm always down for a sarcastic quip. What I don't like is dishonest people. You must think we're all incredibly stupid if you expect anyone to believe your intent was to help by pointing out the upvote button.

I do admire your confidence, however misplaced, and your commitment to embodying your username though.

You must think we're all incredibly stupid

not everyone, no, but the 10th guy in a row to talk down to me and expect to make a point? i might not think so highly of him.

I'm always down for a sarcastic quip

you took my (hilarious) joke at face value and made a serious effort to admonish me for that literal interpretation and not the blatantly obvious message that when you have nothing to say, it's ok to say nothing.

that you're continuing to reply at all suggests that your sarcasm detector could really use routine maintenance. or a warranty replacement.

would a '/s' make things easier for you?

I'm not expecting to make any kind of point, I'm just giving you a well deserved ribbing for being an asshole. It's strictly for entertainment purposes.

If you think the only explanation for someone taking issue with you is they are stupid or don't understand sarcasm, I really don't know what to tell you.

As I said before, I admire your confidence even if it is sorely misplaced. If you don't want to listen to me though there's this neat button right under my comment there that says 'block user' if you don't wish to read my replies. Just trying to be helpful, of course!

It's strictly for entertainment purposes

you're so close, if only you'd uncross your eyes it might come a little clearer into focus

If you don't want to listen to me

what part of replying to everybody who wants a piece of me suggests that i'm participating under duress? lol

Lol indeed. Well this has been fun, you have a particularly delicious lack of self awareness that I always appreciate in these sorts of discussions so I look forward to seeing your next very helpful and clever contribution in future threads.

Have fun!

what? lol

The world is so full of maliciousness that status quo is unable to perceive good faith if it disturbs their immediate comfort. You're part of the minority that've chosen principles and reason over popularity. Voices like yours are critically important to our collective future. You're understood and have my support.

Unsolicited advice: Don't push to burn out. They'll have you rolling in the shit with them. Take breaks often.

Ok this got a chuckle out of me. But yeah, I don't see any problem with people expressing agreement verbally.

Imagine a real conversation where you're only allowed to agree with someone with nods, never saying "yeah I agree completely" or any other verbal feedback.

Imagine a real conversation

i am, and it's nothing like a comment thread on pseudo-social media.

imagine a comedy duo where one member makes quips and the other chimes in periodically with 'i couldn't agree more' and 'i came here to say this!'

penn and teller work well as an act because teller keeps his mouth shut.

i guess it makes sense from the perspective that lemmy is a community largely by and for former redditors. activity that's effectively indistinguishable from bots must make this place feel like home to some of us.

Lemmy doesn't need users to police comments. If they're against the rules, report. Otherwise, every comment is welcome here, and the little arrows don't even really do anything. That's what's so nice about this place.

Otherwise, every comment is welcome here

unless it's not very nice, then we need to give them a scolding. thank goodness officer superkret is on the job to put those rapscallions in their place.