White People Have Never Forgiven Haitians for Claiming Their Freedom

dantheclamman@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 55 points –
White People Have Never Forgiven Haitians for Claiming Their Freedom

Edit: Fellow white people, please read the article before just reading the title and reflexively commenting to make it about yourselves, thx


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Um, is this a blatantly racist title? As a white person who never even got offended at Haitians claiming freedom in the first place, I think it is.

It's a shitty, incendiary, clickbait title.

If you have to gain equality by dragging someone down instead of elevating yourself, then we all end up down in the mud. Hate is not progress.

I wouldn't call it blatantly racist, it's obviously biased coming from someone of Haitian heritage. But I think they over-sell it.

Your average American likely doesn't think about Haiti at all, positively or negatively.

Yeah, if you asked Trump supporters to find Haiti on a map, I'm guessing a single-digit percentage is getting it right. Their prejudice towards immigrants is not some calculated, historically-informed position. It's a basal fear of the other.

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I don't even know what they got independence from. France, hundreds of years ago? Why would I care? To equate white people with the French definitely seems racist to me.

It's no different than the US blowing stuff up in the developing world. It's not about you specifically.

Are you sure you’re not offended?

Considering most Americans don't know the history of Haiti, nor could even point it out on a map. So I doubt many are offended

That is the great thing about hate it doesn't really require specific knowledge. Most of the people who lynched black folks in the south didn't have a lot of specific understanding of the cultures or history of the people they hated they had a sort of diffuse hatred based on nothing real. Assuming that historical issues aren't a root of anything because the rabble doesn't specifically understand why they are supposed to hate someone is just a basic misunderstanding of how people work.

It's like thinking the smell of shit doesn't come from the turd because the people smelling it can't actually see it.

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