Man who allegedly tried to assassinate Donald Trump at Florida golf club named. Who is he? to politics – 126 points –

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This guy is a Trump voter who tried to kill a politician before an election. He's a gutter person. It's karmic that the fanatics Trump whipped up would now target him, but idk how we're cheering for this. It's sad, scary, and ominous imo.

Call me a bleeding heart liberal I guess.

Last I'd read, there's no consensus that he actually voted for Trump. Dude's views were all over the place.

Regardless, if someone takes Trump out, I will literally lose no sleep or tears. I don't advocate for violence, but MAGA sure as fuck does. Reap what you sow and all that.

We are cheering because people are trying to kill an insane man hellbent on destroying this country. Your heart isn’t bleeding because you value the life of one person over the lives of the people he has been responsible for destroying and those who will be destroyed if he continues to live. You’re myopic and afraid of conflict.

Conflict doesn't equal armed insurrection or the assassination of political leaders. He can lose at the ballot box and die penniless. I'm fully aware of what a monster he is. Are we cool with assassinating other R's? Some are just as vile if not more than him.

Where's the line? Who gets to decide who lives and dies? You? I'm sure you're a nice and reasonable person, but I don't trust you with that decision, let alone a gun nut, conspiracy theorist Trump voter. How long before someone retaliates and turns a gun on [insert favorite politician here]? Was the cycle of violence worth it then?

And what if he wins and then never leaves office and Project 2025 goes into full effect?

You’ll want him dead then.

We are cheering because people are trying to kill an insane man hellbent on destroying this country

Your cheering for an assassination attempt shows that your country is already well and truly fucked.

Myopic would be not realizing supporting political violence will get people you support killed too. We need to hope that it can be made harder to kill candidates and those in office going forward.