Man who allegedly tried to assassinate Donald Trump at Florida golf club named. Who is he? to politics – 126 points –

Seems like he voted and supported for Trump, got disappointed by Trump, listened to Trump's and Republicans' call for political violence to solve political problems.

And here we are, leopards are now eating their faces.

According to NC voter rolls he did not vote in 2016 or 2020. Voted in the Democratic primary in March but social media post were all over the place. Unwell mind

Routh, according to the New York Post and archives of his X account, said he voted for Trump in 2016.

“I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone,” Routh posted.

So he's a jaded Trump voter. See this is what I had expected the first one to be, but it turns out he just hated politicians and picked the first idiot that showed up in his town. That idiot just so happened to be the orange one. This crazy person actually had buyers remorse and... uh... wanted a refund or something? Anyway he's a loser and a failure now, just like Trump. So now at least they have that in common.

listened to Trump’s and Republicans’ call for political violence to solve political problems.

seems like he's had a violent/criminal streak going back decades. not sure you can really tie this to trump.

Giving habitually violent repeat offenders more reasons to be violent is always an issue.

Manson didn't go to jail for murdering anyone. Manson went to jail because he conspired and convinced other people to murder for him.

the reason could simply have been a severe dislike of Trump, not necessarily that he was pushed to violence by Trump's rhetoric.

Those two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Routh remains listed an active unaffiliated voter in North Carolina, according The News & Observer, a McClatchy publication in North Carolina. As unaffiliated voters can choose which primary they want to vote in the state, Routh voted in the Democratic primary when he cast a ballot this spring.

Was he a Trump supporter?

Routh, according to the New York Post and archives of his X account, said he voted for Trump in 2016. “I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone,” Routh posted.

How are these shooters getting so close to a former president? Did Trump pick his Secret Service detail personally and end up with the protection detail equivalent of the Bad News Bears?

First a former president rarely is so public. I don't know where any other president's houses are...other than bidens since I love in Delaware.

Second, Trump has made enemies his whole life.

Last, he won't shut up. Which makes more enemies

GWB retired to his ranch in Texas. I THINK Obama opted to stay in DC until his daughter finished school. No idea if that has finished. I think Clinton is in NY?

Yeah but we know exactly where marlago is and the Trump building is NYC.

I have seen so many photos of those locations

Where as the other people I just know the state vs the exact building

secret service really can't just shut everything down when he shows up for a golf or something. Especially for his routine and daily life. It sounds like the guy was standing around a public right of way along the perimeter of the golf course.

my understanding is the agents sweep the next hole ahead of trump getting there, and that's when he was noticed. (I assume control both that, the hole trump is on, and the previous, to keep anyone from coming up behind,)

the thing I don't understand is how somebody would be just chilling with a rifle out in plain sight like that. Even the PA guy knew to keep the rifle tucked away before it was time, right?

Florida (desantis) recently enacted concealed carry, so I'll be curious to see what law this nut actually broke.

running from secret service agents (that are shooting at you.)

"resisting arrest"

Apparently the guy made a sniper nest hidden in the bushed and the agent noticed the rifle barrel sticking out of the branches

Trump is only entitled to ex-President and candidate protection. It's a lower tier of protection with fewer resources expended.

Exactly. He gets the team of "six months to retirement" agents, not the roid-raging chads.

Apparently the team you have while president stays with you for life.

When you're as big an asshole as Trump, it's not really motivating for anyone around you to do more than half-ass it.

The first one was clearly a miscommunication leaving a gap. Someone needed to be fired over that.

Unless there is more since the press conference, this one seems to have been well handled. There is no way to secure an entire golf course, unless Trump was willing to goto Camp David so they covered around him and ahead of him. Last I heard, the guy never had an opportunity to shoot. An agent clearing ahead of Trump spotted the shooter and laid down suppressing fire making the guy run

I got curious and did a stupid thing of checking on a certain sub. There must be 15 or so posts about this, quickly trying to point out all the reasons that it couldn't be one of their own.

I guess the NYTimes interviewed home back in 2023?

Did he volunteer to fight in Ukraine war?

In 2023, Routh told the New York Times he spent several months in Ukraine amid the war with Russia. He also said he had tried recruiting Afghan soldiers who opposed the Taliban to fight in Ukraine.

Gift link to the NYTimes article

A fucking spook cut-out trafficking mercenaries from Afghanistan to Ukraine goes rogue and takes a pot shot at a presidential candidate?

This is going to give conspiracy nuts a hard on for the next five years, easy. What are the odds Jack Ruby plugs him a few times in the gut on national camera before the end of next week?

He seems more like an independent nutter who suffers from mania than any kind of an actual spook.

A fucking spook cut-out trafficking mercenaries from Afghanistan to Ukraine

Or just another one of the oddballs, liars and sociopaths who are the focus of the article.

You have $100 and get to bet it on, is the shooter a:

A) drag queen

B) immigrant

C) republican

Trick question? he seemingly switched to a D after voting for Trump in 2016.

From his social media he was supporting Tulsi Gabbard and then later Nikki Haley.

Just like the OTHER Assassinator these are CLEARLY Democrats as Demonstrated by ONE small piece of Evidence in a Sea of Right Wing Krazy!

Routh, according to the New York Post and archives of his X account, said he voted for Trump in 2016.

“I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone,” Routh posted.

I wish more of his supporters were able to see the light.

Another data point in favor of the Novikov self-consistency principle?

More just feels like the US is filling up with people who want to go out in a blaze of glory taking shots at celebrities.

Care to expand a bit, please? This is entirely new to me, I just read the Wikipedia article.

Think about the standard answers to what people would do if they had a time machine.

There's 46 recorded assassination attempts against Hitler

And two, possibly three if you count the guy who rushed the stage during a rally in 2016, against Trump. Novikov is 49-0 by my count.

You would need to know an original outcome of an event to apply the Novikov self-consistency principle. Otherwise how do you know this wasn't always what happened?