Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein

Socialist to politics – -51 points –
Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein

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Yeah they are. It's all pretty laughable. Everyone is aware that voting third party is throwing your vote away and this election is far too important for anyone serious to do that.

Everyone is aware that voting third party is throwing your vote away and this election is far too important for anyone serious to do that.

So was the last election ok to for third party? How about the one before that? And is the next one, when Trump Jr runs, ok for us vote third party then?

So just THIS 2024 election we shouldn't. But the other ones are ok. Right?

So just THIS 2024 election we shouldn’t. But the other ones are ok. Right?

If this election goes wrong it might be the last real one we get so, yes. Right.

yes. Right.

So we can definitely vote 3rd party the next election? I just want to make sure we are on the same page.

I mean, I'm still voting 3rd party this election, but it'll be good that you can calm down being so mad about it when I continue to post third party news after the upcoming election. You can finally relax!

So was it ok to vote 3rd party in 2016? And 2020? Or is just THIS election that we shouldn't?

we shouldn’t

Anyone can vote for anyone they see fit in any election. If that means voting 3rd party in this election, then it means throwing away an actually meaningful vote.

I'm not mad? What makes you say that? You do seem to like to twist my comments. It's one of the many reasons I don't trust you and question your motives.

It’s one of the many reasons I don’t trust you and question your motives.

Yeah? So what do you think my motives are?

what do you think my motives are?


So if my motives are so lame as to be unimportant, then surely I don't have much influence over things. So I may as well just post what I want when I want. And you don't have to feel worried about any votes. And we can be friends now, right?!

I wasn't being insulting. It doesn't matter your motivation and the truth of that motivation is unknowable anyway.

I'm more annoyed that the politics feed is taken over with an outsized share of third party distraction news, when there is so much going on that's actually meaningful.

I’m more annoyed that the politics feed is taken over with an outsized share of third party distraction news, when there is so much going on that’s actually meaningful.

You think the share of third party news is "outsized" compared to all the pro-harris/pro-democrat articles?! I just post the articles that the news writes. So obviously news orgs think there is something to it since they are writing so many articles about third parties. I don't write them, I just post them.

If there were less written, there'd be less posted.

You think the share of third party news is "outsized"

Yes. That's why I said it. Due largely to a single user; You.

I just post the articles that the news rights.

There you go being transparently dishonest again. This is why we aren't friends.

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Anyone can vote for anyone they see fit in any election.

Oh ok, so you DO support and respect peoples right to vote for who they want to, even in THIS election. Right?

Just wanna clear the air.

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Why are you even worrying about elections other than the one in front of us? Droning about past elections and ones beyond the one in front of us isn’t going to win anybody over. What’s done is done and what is not in front of us is irrelevant.

It’s just what it is.

Why are you even worrying about elections other than the one in front of us?

Because every election since as long as I have been voting, people say variations of "Well voting third party is fine, but not THIS election. THIS election is too important!"

Which is what the OP I was replying to said.

I've been voting since 1988. And i have heard this every election. So guess what? I've decided that this election isn't any more or less important than any election. And I'm proudly voting third party. :)

It’s just what it is.

2008 was pretty safe. 2012 too. Every election since then, it's been too close and the stakes too high.

So not just THIS election then.

Doesn't matter tho. I'm still voting third party. And I've created a community that allows even more diversity in political opinion including more republican and third party posts, in addition to democrat posts. So you may wanna block me now and save yourself the frustration.

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