Blinken Faces Calls to Resign Over Lie That Israel Is Not Blocking Gaza Aid to politics – 270 points –
Blinken Faces Calls to Resign Over Lie That Israel Is Not Blocking Gaza Aid | Common Dreams

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It's pretty insane. If the guy's not good enough to run for president how could he possibly be good enough for the job.

Im not going to get into defending Biden's record, but being president and campaigning for president are two totally separate skills. I have no problem recognizing that he's simply unable to do both simultaneously now. I don't think POTUS needs to be able to both, they do need to handle the duties of the presidency though.

I don’t think POTUS needs to be able to both, they do need to handle the duties of the presidency though.

lol what point do you think you made here?

I don't think it's fair or accurate to say that Biden is incapable of serving as president if he's unable to campaign for reelection.

I have no problem recognizing that he’s simply unable to do both simultaneously now.

Correct. Dude can't be president and campaign so he's choosing just to be president. What's so complicated about that?

Running for president has almost literally nothing to do with actually being president in the way our system runs. It's honestly kind of awful.

Plus, you know, he CAN run for president, he just decided Harris can do it better, which she obviously is.

Plus you also can recognize that you are capable of doing a job for another year or two but not sign up for another 4 year contract after that. It's not like anyone wants to sign up for a contract knowing they may have to step down before the term is up.

He literally ran for president, and won. He's not what the electorate wants moving forward, but that doesn't make him incapable. He's a career politician with decades of experience

One reason the electorate doesn't want him is because he's clearly sundowning.

Well, its more than one side cares that their candidate might be sundowning whereas the other side wouldn't care if trump fucked and killed their mum.

Which side is cool with genocide?

Considering your history, you're going to need to be a lot more specific here.

Hint: it's the side carrying out a genocide right now

Israel is running for the US presidency?

I don't mean to be a prude but that seems a little unconventional.

Israel is a client state of the USA. The genocide is being carried out by the Biden/Harris admin.

Running means doing it for four years.

Resigning means doing it for less.

Yes, and?

The comment was implying that if he isn't running he isn't capable of being president now while ignoring the fact that running now means doing the job for 4 more years.

edit: Just read the rest of the replies to Jay's comment. Holy Christ, you're insufferable.

Sorry to critique the guy in charge of the genocide, hoping to make friends here.

Downvoted. Biden's sharp as a Ginsu. I'm sure glad he's our leader right now, the commander of the largest military on earth, and the ultimate ruler of a wild nuclear vassal state.

Well he's done a fantastic job so far, let's just kick him out at the end for shits and giggles

I don't know if I'd call ethnic cleansing fantastic, other than that I agree

Yeah, thank fuck he beat Trump or both Ukraine and Gaza would already be gone by now. I really wish he would stop selling weapons to Israel though.

Fun to speculate but we can only be sure that Biden's policies are causing a genocide.