Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops to – 790 points –
Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops

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The more comments and news I read about the US the more Orwellian it feels.

You guys really need a massive left-shift away from the omnipresent government which regulates bodies more than companies.

Oh sorry instead we’re going to get fascism

The whole Western world is at this point, it's so depressing. Even when the left seems to win democratically people like Macron nakedly abuse their authority and choose to caucus with the fascists over the social democrats.

This is what happens if you stop developing your democracy and chill on the work people from the past have started to develop

Happens all the time, if you look into history

At some point, someone is going to figure out George Orwell was actually a time traveler, and he tried to fix things with books. He had to deliver the message that way because if he just shouted in the streets the things that were going to happen, he'd been written off as a madman. Change a few details here and there... and then sell it as "fiction"...

Frankly, George Orwell is part of the problem. Aside from a brief stint during the Spanish Civil War where he supported the CNT-FAI, he spent the overwhelming majority of his life supporting the British Empire and relentlessly hating Communists (and other socialists and members of minority groups) of all stripes, to the point where even the British government told him to chill the fuck out because they were allied with the Soviets. His books aren't immensely popular in extremely right wing countries because they have a left wing critique of government overreach, they're popular because they are anti-government in exactly the same vague and malleable way that all populist right wingers are.

I have been to a few spots over there and it is crazy how different culturally it is. Nothing is away from politics and cops get called fot eeeeverything.

Where do you live?

European Union FTW, Germany specifically where the CCC is a massive counter measure to uneducated politics.

Yes. We must know where they live so we can shit on their country to make ourselves feel better.


IDK I just had a overwhelming sense they were in the UK, which is like... way worse.

You are 66 times more likely to be killed by a police officer if you are in the US compared to in the UK.

Oh we're talking about police killings suddenly? I thought we were talking about civil rights?

The comment was talking about things being Orwellian. Is it not Orwellian to have police killing many, many civilians?

There's other things.

For example, the UK is the most surveiled populace over any whole country. Which is neat.