USA approves $8.7bn aid package for Israel to politics – 113 points –

I guess they really want Israel to stop!


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If they had to pay for their own defense they wouldn't exist.

Bombing other people isn't fucking self defense....

I have no issues with funding actual defense mechanisms like the iron dome and whatever. Small munitions, bulletproof vests, whatever you need to DEFEND your citizens I'm cool with. When it turns outward and you start "military operations" against other countries that's when I say good fucking luck on your own.

I have issue with supporting an apartheid state. I think aid should be conditioned on Israel granting full citizenship to Palestinians.

You want to give them even more power over Palestinians?

The opposite, granting Palestinians citizenship allows them to potentially control the government.

Compare that to any point in our lifetime, where Israel has been their defacto government: Palestinians must report each birth, each change of address to a "foreign" government. If they want to leave their country, they must seek permission from the "foreign" government. If they want to visit their family across town, they must present identification to a "foreign" government.

Citizenship ends apartheid.

Ah, I missed the "full" part. Yes, that would be great, but I don't doubt that they'd still be treated as second-class citizens.

That would make their version of parliament roughly half Palestinian. More if the right of return was generally enforced. (Just allowing them to move back into the country) So the resulting country would actually be pretty fair to them as long as the apartheid part really is gotten rid of.

Source for that?

They're trying to make sure other nations don't exist.

Sure, here's a professor of International relations in Israel:

Asked whether Israel could get by without US economic and diplomatic support, Benjamin Miller, Professor of International Relations, and the Director of the National Security Center at the University of Haifa, gives a one word answer - "No."

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