Some critics see Trump's behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero to politics – 220 points –
Some critics see Trump's behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero

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As a frustrated Christian, I think I'd say it's most accurate to say that Trump embodies Conservatives, Republicans, and Evangelicals, all of whom have apparently no clear code of conduct or definition beyond "seize power, worship the perceived strong man, crush the marginalized."

Christian, though...there's a least a definition there ("follower of Christ") that excludes Trump β€” not only does Trump not care at all about Christ except as an incantation to get votes, but he directly contradicts the things Christ taught.

Exactly. These people are not Christians. They act exactly like the people Jesus rebuked for being hypocrites. It's uncanny.

I mean they must be the majority because the other christians can't keep them out of office even adding in the non christian vote. It is funny that anyone can take the prosperity doctrine seriously. christ is rolling in his stone.

they say they're christian, who am I to judge? I think it's more important to consider how much of a monster yahweh is, and why anyone would want to be associated with it.

I'm Jewish, not Christian so I'm not too up to speed on Christ. I also don't believe in the anti-Christ. That being said, there was an article a while back that laid out all the qualities that the anti-Christ will supposedly have. Trump embodied all of them.

Like I said, I don't believe in an anti-Christ, but if I was told that the anti-Christ not only existed, but was alive right now, I'd wager on it being Donald Trump.

right? the swedish curch gets it right: god has infinite compassion and jesus preached of acceptance, thus the logical conclusion is that a good christian is compassionate and accepting, which is the polar opposite of trump and a depressing amount of people who claim to be christian..

the bible says Jesus told his fans that they can't be his disciple unless they hate their family. also something about obeying their master. sounds very Trumpian to me. but then again, there are no "true" Scotsman, are there? 😜

"the bible says Jesus told his fans that they can’t be his disciple unless they hate their family"

No, it says you shouldn't love your family more than Him. That doesn't mean you have to hate your family

Maybe as far as the shock value but imo they are completely different. The bible verse is about absolute surrender to the christian god, where anything you might value as highly as god should be made lesser than him in your mind.

It seems like "kill the buddha" has the opposite intent, aggressively reject all notions of "other" or "authority" etc

here's the verse I'm referencing. nothing is said about loving them more than him. the word 'love' isn't even used. can you please cite the verse where is says what you claim?

Luke 14:26 KJV β€” If any man come to me, and HATE not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.