Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?

thebestaquaman@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 938 points –
Unpopular Opinions

Inspired by the linked XKCD. Using 60% instead of 50% because that's an easy filter to apply on rottentomatoes.

I'll go first: I think "Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows" was awesome, from the plot to the characters ,and especially how they used screen-play to highlight how Sherlocks head works in these absurd ways.


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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is way better than anyone gives it credit for. It's a really fun movie.

I also really like Vanilla Sky even though critics hate it. It's a weird but good movie.

How Equilibrium has a 40% RT rating is beyond me. It's amazing.

That shocks me that Equilibrium is only 40%.. it’s one of my favorite movies


Yeah, audience score: 81%, well deserved.

Wait, people don't like Vanilla Sky‽ That movie is great!

So good! After seeing it, I grabbed and watched Abre Los Ojos the next week just to get more.

Equilibrium is a good movie. I remember the controversy of the new Ghostbusters which has weird numbers too (people hated it, RT loved it).

Equilibrium is so goddamn good.

I also loved terminator genysis. It was fun and entertaining, ok!? Also a huge sucker for time travel movies.

I feel like prince of Persia missed on timing more than anything. It came out too close to dragon emperor imo. And the same year as clash of the titans. It's a decent flick, but not good enough to outrun the comparisons on what all 3 did poorly. (Mostly dialog)

I’m pretty shocked to see Vanilla Sky rated that poorly. I recall it being a critical darling at the time.

The only time I ever heard anything Rush Limbaugh say that I agreed with is that he thought Vanilla Sky was a good movie. Interestingly, he said it to a left-wing caller and they found common ground for a few minutes about the movie.

Yes, I occasionally had to listen to Limbaugh unfortunately.

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