How it feels to install windows in 2023 to – 526 points –

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Use as the account name, anything as the password. It will say "whoopsie, there was an error" and then you can create a local account.

Holy shit are you serious?

100%. I use it all the time on test machines at work.

Is this a hardcoded opt out or something? Couple of months ago I had to install windows for a friend. I tried to not make a windows account. All the exploits I found, were “patched”. I finally just gave up and made the account. My friend doesn’t care enough about privacy and I don’t care enough about windows for all that effort.

But, would be awesome.

I'm not totally sure but I would guess that it's not hardcoded. Probably just buggy behavior, as is usual for Microsoft.

you can type anything you want in both fields to skip it. a keysmash is my preferred method

Or something about not connecting to a wifi or ethernet connection during install.

Windows will display a "Let's connect you to a network" or similar screen. The upcoming Windows 11 version 22H2 does not allow you to skip this anymore to create a local account.

they actually restricted this method, evil

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Or just anything invalid. I usually do "m" as the username and "m" as the password.

Have to try virtually! Even if Windows 10 are so much better than Windows 11.

Ooh, that reminds me, I need to delete the Windows VM i made for hte STALKER: Anomaly - Gamma installer.

Hehe. That edition of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. works in Linux through Lutris 😊 Not perfectly, but it works.

but the installer doesnt cause its written in windows powershell. Had to install a VM just to get the installer to download/unpack the game, then i set up lutris for it.

Supposedly the next version of the installer is going to use a more agnostic scripting, but i dont know if thats come out yet.

I don't know about these workarounds but I remember Win10 has something like "Create for another person" then "I don't have their info" and it will just let you create a local acocunt. I don't know about 11 tho

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